• Hello! Feel free to let me know if I’m posting this question in the wrong place. I’m an educator who is considering learning how to use WordPress or Squarespace to create a simple website with a blog and a store to sell digital products. Any general advice would be awesome, but specifically, my problem is this: I have been experimenting with using the Easy Digital Downloads plugin to load my digital products, but I’m being told my limit is 32 MB, and even compressed my products are still 47 MB. Is this a limitation that I can work around? I’m also looking at a free trial of squarespace, and seem to be able to load my products there okay. I can see that learning WordPress is going to take a big time investment, and I’m okay with that if the end result is going to be what I want, but if I can’t load my products then it would be a time sink for nothing.

    I hope none of that came off too inane. I am a super newbie!

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  • lisa


    Which webhosting company are you using for your WordPress installation?

    Thread Starter mathof5





    “but I’m being told my limit is 32 MB”
    when and/or where are you getting this message?

    Thread Starter mathof5


    When I try to add a digital product to download I get this message: SnowmenUnitThematicCommonCoreCurricularEssentials.pdf.zip exceeds the maximum upload size for this site.

    Maximum upload file size: 32 MB.

    If you’re a newbie, a WordPress theme specifically for EDD might help you along your way.

    Your upload limit is most likely set by your host – time to look for another?

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