• f10nick



    I only heard of wordpress for a few hours ago, so I’m pretty new to the whole concept. I’ve done a fair bit of reading now, but have a few fundamental questions that I have to be sure this is something I pursue.

    I have just started a business and I have done a web design in photoshop. I was originally thinking I would then just get someone who new how to build HTML sites to do it for me. However I was interested in having a blog ability and need a very flexible content management system, so wordpress sounds interesting.

    My 2 main critieria are I want it to look (roughly) like this design ( I would add a blog page option along the top):


    but possibly with some blog entries on homepage, taken from the main blog page. And have good options for the portfolio gallery section:


    I’ve seen some good looking examples of sites done with WP and this looks possible, but can anyone confirm this? Can I customize a theme to match my PSD design? And is this is a good approach?

    And if so from zero knowledge is this going be a big undertaking? I dont mind a few days work at it – I’m usually ok at picking up software, but there’s no doubt a lot I need to get right here so its a technically correct, and secure site. But I havnt got weeks free.

    Thanks a lot for any guidance


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  • Roy


    You can do that with WP for sure. You’ll have to find a theme that looks (roughly) like you want and edit it to fit your needs. You might have to learn css and php (especially the first) in order to do that, but if the theme you find needs only some different colours and other simple things, that should not be too difficult. As for a gallery, there are plugins for that. To get an idea, did you click on the name of the (now active) user Krembo99?

    Thread Starter f10nick


    Thanks a lot Gangleri. Krembo99’s site is interesting. Thanks.

    And the level that I need to get to in css and php, you think, should be ok? If I have, say, 3 days free on it to get everything up and runnning.



    It depends. When you find a theme close to what you want and you only have to change some colours, fonts, etc. that’s not too hard, but when you want to change a fixed width theme to fluid, edit margins, etc. that’s when things become much more complicated.

    Thread Starter f10nick


    I get you. Thanks again.

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