The issue :
Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/gantry/functions.php on line 166
is caused by the fact that for some reason the theme default options are removed from the database durning the update. We’re still investigating what can cause that.
To fix the issue you should go to your Gantry Theme Settings and click on the Save Changes to resave settings. If you CANNOT access the WordPress admin please use this temporary solution :
1. Please make a BACKUP OF THE FILE and edit wp-content/plugins/gantry/functions.php and around line 165 replace this :
$options = get_option(get_template() . "-template-options");
$cache_enabled = $options['cache']['enabled'];
$cache_lifetime = $options['cache']['time'];
load_plugin_textdomain('gantry', false, basename($gantry_path) . '/languages');
// Get the gantry instance
if ($cache_enabled) {
$cache = GantryCache::getInstance();
$gantry = $cache->get('gantry', 'gantry', array('Gantry', 'getInstance'));
} else {
$gantry = Gantry::getInstance();
with this :
load_plugin_textdomain('gantry', false, basename($gantry_path) . '/languages');
// Get the gantry instance
$gantry = Gantry::getInstance();
2. Please make a BACKUP OF THE FILE and edit wp-content/plugins/gantry/admin_functions.php and around line 370 comment out/remove this :
$options = get_option(get_template() . "-template-options");
if ($options['cache']['enabled']) {
add_meta_button('cache-clear', 'Clear Cache', '?clear-cache', array(
get_plugin_page_hook('gantry-theme-settings', ''),
get_plugin_page_hook('gantry-theme-overrides', 'gantry-theme-settings')
), array('class' => 'clear-cache'));
3. Now you should be able to access your WP admin. Please go to the Gantry Theme Options and click on Save Changes to resave your settings. Once your settings have been resaved, please revert the two modified above files to their original versions. Your site should be working fine now.
One more time we’re very sorry for this issue. We’ll try to fix this ASAP.
If you’ll send me your FTP and WP login details via email I can do the fix for you.
Kind regards,