• Resolved fbrock99


    Hey, there,

    Are you aware that in the latest version of MailChimp for WordPress (released in the last couple of days) that the “# of Subcribers” number now appears below the fold (old newspaper term for having to turn the paper over to read the bottom of the front page)…that is: one must now scroll down to see it, and then after clicking “renew MailChimp lists” scroll down again to see the new number? What a pain. What used to be a super quick 2-clicks-outta-there now involves scrolling twice. Ugh. Any chance you can fix this? The # of Subscribers is the headline…it should appear above the fold. :^) I’m thinking of trying a new plugin because of this but want to give you guys a chance before I jump ship.


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  • Plugin Author Danny van Kooten


    Hey @fbrock99,

    We’re very much aware of what the fold is but didn’t realise people were using that overview to keep track of their list growth – today I learned. ??

    I’m sure there must be a better way we can fix this though. If you have many lists, you’d have to scroll for the # of subscribers anyway and there’s no way we can fit multiple lists with all their fields etc. above the fold.

    Here’s my proposal, but feel free to correct me as you’re the one who taught me that the number is actually a useful metric to check on a daily basis.

    A dashboard widget (which appears on the main screen of your WP Admin) that shows a summary of your MailChimp lists and the # of subscribers for each. Dismissible, of course.

    This would mean that after logging in, you will see your # of subscribers straight away. No further clicks or scrolls required.

    One more question that’ll help me understand this better: do you have multiple lists and are you interested in the total # of subscribers of all these lists combined or are you more interested in the # of subscribers per list? Or both?

    Anyway, let me know. Thanks for thinking along!

    Thread Starter fbrock99



    Sorry for the response delay…life is hectic.

    > didn’t realise people were using that overview
    > to keep track of their list growth

    As the developer, you decided to include that number in the dashboard, presumably because you thought it might be useful for users to find it there. I do. But since I now have to scroll to find it and then scroll again to see the renew results, it’s less convenient.

    To restore the usefulness and convenience of this plugin, moving at least one list, and if possible two or three above the fold, would go a long way and satisfy the majority of your users. I encourage you to do that. I suspect anyone with more than three lists will get their info directly from MailChimp.

    For me, I’ve found another solution.

    Thank you for your time.

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