• I activated the plugin and set it up, but all I got was a “Related Posts” and one bullet. No posts are being displayed, but I have many similar posts, both in title and content, that aren’t being displayed.

    I notice in the description for this plugin that the post associations are made when the post is published so it doesn’t have to do it for the visitor afterwards. Does this mean previously published posts are not indexed by the plugin? Do I need to update or re-publish all of my existing posts to have them available as related posts?

    Thanks for your time.


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  • thesadshow

    You should have to do neither of those for a related plugin to work to my knowledge I have used yarpp but just dropped it after 9 months to much draw on my site because site is gigantic now 80,000 us and 200,000s world rank up to 12,000+ visitors a day.

    That much traffic directed toward post pages where this plugin sit for related post draws huge amounts from sql database on high traffic sites so I am now using my themes option for related post and it is way off but still displays post.

    If you run a small blog that plugin is dead on with term relationships post and pages. Not dissing this one but not much support here looks like from resloved issues.

    waffenss, who was drawing “huge amounts from sql database on high traffic sites”? YARPP or Efficient Related Posts?

    Turned out to be Alexa bot after a week of investigating multiple draws on images creating numerous 302 errors had my CPU @ 126% lol

    I still dropped Yarrp and use a much better related post plugin now allows you to relate them yourself and creates link backs on the page you link to its called Microkid’s Related Posts and works great on 3.71

    Doesn’t store in tables either like yarrp consumed

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