• Hi. I have several questions pertaining to Gutenberg for WP 5.1.1.

    1) I was wondering when the next update for Gutenberg will be released? Specifically, to address the need to enter Quick Edit mode to correctly set the parent attribute for new pages when the desired parent is not available in the regular Edit Page mode (under Page Attributes–>Parent Page).

    2) I was also wondering if there is any down side to using the Classic Editor plugin with WP 5.1.1+? The Gutenberg HTML is vastly different, using <figure>, <!– wp:paragraph –>, etc. The Classic Editor does not use these elements and I was wondering if I don’t use this syntax will it cause future incompatibility issues?

    3) Finally, Gutenberg seems to have an issue when I insert custom HTML within a page. For example, if I add a “title” attribute (title=”label”) to an element to create a tool-tip label (to an image, for example), I get the following alert: “This block contains invalid or unexpected content”, then prompts me to allow WP to resolve it. I ignore this warning, because its solution is to delete the code; and since the page displays as expected, I just ignore the warning. Will this issue be addressed?

    Thanks for any and all information regarding these concerns.

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  • The development of Gutenberg has continued, and you can use the latest by installing the plugin. The latest plugin has fixes and enhancements that get tested in the plugin before becoming part of core WordPress.
    1) You can search the GitHub repository to see if this issue is fixed yet. It might be in the plugin already, and it might even be in the beta for the next WP release.

    2) The only downside of using the Classic Editor is is you want to do blocks or like using the block editor. The old one will be around for several years, and it does not matter what HTML is in your posts if the browser can render it and your theme can style it. There are millions of web sites with legacy content, so I doubt those will be ignored or considered “incompatible”.

    3) This is known, and a pain, but I think I saw where there was some work being done on the block parser so that it handles things better. Not sure if it’s done or not, though.

    Thread Starter riovissi


    Hi Joy. Thank you for your quick and informative response. I will install the Gutenberg plugin for its latest bug fixes (great tip!). I would rather move forward with Gutenberg than stay behind with the Classic Editor.

    Thread Starter riovissi


    Unfortunately the Gutenberg plugin also has the issue with the incomplete page list in the parent attribute selection dialog box. Exiting Page Edit and going to Quick Edit to choose the parent page is inconvenient, but a doable workaround until the issue is corrected. Since I don’t have any other major issues with the core Gutenberg, I will use that instead of the plugin to save resources. Hopefully the Gutenberg Team will be ready with something soon…

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