• Plugin Contributor photocrati


    We’re happy to announce our fifth update to NextGEN 2.0.0.

    Thank you to all users who have been helping us diagnose and resolve the issues, and to each of the public beta testers who provided their very useful feedback and bug reports. We truly appreciate the support you have given us.


    • NEW: Multisite support
    • Changed: Default image quality set to 100 for generated images
    • Changed: Removed dependence on simplehtmldom library
    • Fixed: Related images functionality works as it did in 1.9.x
    • Fixed: Don’t compress inline JavaScript in post/page content
    • Fixed: Click-to-advance slideshow behavior for slideshows
    • Fixed: Security warnings from VaultPress
    • Fixed: View as Slideshow link works with AJAX pagination
    • Fixed: Broken links on Overview page
    • Fixed: Backup images option
    • Fixed: Stylesheet url generated correctly for Windows hosts
    • Fixed: Compatibility with NextGen Custom Fields plugin
    • Fixed: Compatibility with Adsense Explosion plugin
    • Fixed: Suppress wp_footer notices unless WP_DEBUG is set to TRUE

    For the history of changes, view the full changelog.

    What’s Not Fixed? Known Issues

    There are still many known issues, each generally affecting a small number of users, that we need to address. You can see the list of all known conflicts that we are continuing to work on, please visit the Latest Public Beta page: https://www.nextgen-gallery.com/nextgen-gallery-latest-beta/

    What’s Been Going On?

    Unfortunately the update to the new NextGEN Gallery 2.0.0 structure has not been smooth for everyone. If you would like to read about what has been going on behind the scenes at Photocrati and why there are many public betas and official releases recently, please read this open letter to the NextGEN community: https://www.nextgen-gallery.com/open-letter-to-the-nextgen-community-from-erick-danzer/

    If you are still experiencing issues directly related to these recent fixes and updates, please submit a Bug Report here: https://www.nextgen-gallery.com/report-bug/


    The NextGEN Gallery Team.


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  • After the last update, there images showing in posts.

    So this plugin is ever going to work with the most used frameworks like gantry, genesis, pagelines or headways… Seems that we should find another gallery plugin…

    I get Upload complete, but the image is not upploading…
    In IE, firefox error, chrome error

    Please help….

    It now breaks the wp-jquery-lightbox plugin ! It’s getting worse, it’s breaking other lightbox systems.
    The ‘link’ option in single pic is still broken (now for 21 releases).

    Still running 1.9.x version for production.


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