• when i’m in “manage gallery” and I click on “edit thumb” from an image option a new dialogue box appears. great. however, when I try to click and drag to customize my thumbnail the box blinks black and nothing happens.

    when I click “update” to see what will happen – i get the message “select with the mouse the area for the new thumbnail” – problem is, I can’t.

    any ideas?


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  • HI!
    Ia have the same problem!
    Can anyone help?

    same issue here. it came when i changed hosts, and cant get rid of it :S i have tryed everything, will try to reinstall gdlibrary and then i give up :S

    anyhow, have any of you able to figure it out whats causing this?

    edit: i found the issue, WP Minify plugin causes this, at least for my blog.

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