• Resolved neptun


    I installed NextGEN Gallery to WordPress 3.0.1. blog and it works OK. Then I installed Gallery to another WP 3.1. blog. It installs to WP very nice but causes errors to WordPress administration panel activities. Including any site may not be visible, what causes also not able to install Gallery page. Texts of articles may not appear for editing etc. Both blogs has the same theme and almost same components. When Gallery is switched off is WP 3.1. version fine again.

    Why does Galleria not work properly with WP 3.1. version? How the matter could be corrected? Or is it any way?

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  • Are you running the very latest version of the plug-in? Supposedly it’s 3.1-compatible:


    Perhaps there’s a conflict with another plug-in you’re running. Try turning them all off except NextGen. Does it work? If so, reactivate each plug-in one by one.

    I can confirm that it works just fine. I think you might have a plugin conflcit.

    I have disabled ALL other plugins, set permissions to 777 in the image files directory, and tried most of the options in the control panel.

    Still have blank thumbs and no photos.

    Images are fine when downloaded and opened.

    I’m getting fed up with this plugin, it’s turning into a high-maintenance situation.

    Any recommendations for something that works?

    Thread Starter neptun


    Thanks all. You are perfectly right. It was conflict with WP Server forum 1.4. This is a old one, the new one is 1.6.3. Maybe I will test that new one later on, but now it is not needed. So the case is resolved. No reason of WP 3.1.

    Excellent – glad you found the culprit.

    If you would please mark this thread as “resolved” (drop-down menu in the right column) it would be appreciated. Helps everyone keep better track of whose issues are still outstanding. Thanks!

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