• Resolved Joe Ponzio


    If you are trying to use NextGen Gallery on Multisite with Domain Mapping, you might run into the problem that the files are uploading fine but they won’t display. I tried all the fixes but the problem was that the URL to the images was always /wp-content/blogs.dir/(blogid)/… and the images wouldn’t show up. This is because the file upload path is different than the fancy URL for showing file uploads.

    As much as I hate doing it, I finally edited the plugin.

    In the plugin’s folder, go to admin/addgallery.php. On line 40, you’ll find $defaultpath = $ngg->options['gallerypath'];. Below that, I put $defaultpath='files/'; (files is my fancy URL for images) to replace the default path for new galleries.

    Now, the images upload properly and display fine. To fix existing galleries, you can change the path column in your ng_gallery table, but the above fix will make sure you don’t have to do any editing in the tables for future galleries.

    Just watch for plugin updates. If you update the plugin, your change might be wiped out so just go back in to the addgallery.php file and add the line again.

    Hope this helps!

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  • Many many thanks for posting this. You describe the issue I have. I recently moved from the WPMU domain mapping plugin to the domain mapper found in the WP repository.

    Since then I have had this/a similar issue. I have tried your fix without luck, although I am certain the problem you have solved is the same as mine.

    If I look in wp-content/blogs.dir/33/files/ I cannot see the uploaded images. The upload and thumbnail generation process does seem to be working however.

    I would be grateful for your or anyone else’s thoughts on how to resolve. It may be related to this post too: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/plugin-wordpress-mu-domain-mapping-uploaded-media-not-display-answer?replies=5#post-2764604

    I have added the code, can you confirm this is how it looks in context:

    function processor() {
            global $wpdb, $ngg, $nggdb;
        	$defaultpath = $ngg->options['gallerypath'];
        	$defaultpath = 'files/'; 
        	if ( isset($_POST['addgallery']) ){

    Many thanks!

    Further to my last post I have discovered the uploaded media is all going to my /public_html

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