• Hi. This is my first time writing to the support forum. I created a photoblog a few weeks ago using WordPress 2.8, ProPhoto2, Lightbox2, and NextGen Gallery. (All are updated to the most current version.) So I’m still pretty new to all this and I’m learning as I go. I came across two issues with NextGen Gallery when I try to sort a gallery I’ve uploaded. First when I try to custom order the images, I am able to click and drag the thumbnails but (this is kinda difficult to explain) it seems like the “grid” in which the thumbnails are in don’t line up with the actual thumbnails. I can see the indicator which is like a cursor moving as I move the image but it doesn’t match up with the rest of the images… and when I release the thumbnail I’m moving it ends up somewhere I didn’t want it to go. I’ve had to try guessing at where its matching up and by trial and error been getting it to work sort of but does anyone know of a fix for this?? ALSO this other issue has started yesterday as I uploaded a new gallery. It keeps sorting the images backwards. I tried changing the setting to sort by filename which looked to work but when I click “update” it just goes back to the previous order. Can anyone help please?? Is anyone else experiencing these problems?? Has anything I’ve written made any sense??

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  • Yes, experiencing exactly the same problem since I upgraded to 2.8.1 from 2.7.1 this moring. Very frustrating becuase you cannot ‘custom order’ your images any longer. If anyone can assist it would be much appreciated.

    I tested out this issue you guys are having, but there is nothing wrong, and I can perfectly sort the images in my nextgen gallery. What browser are you using?

    I’ve since upgraded to the latest version of NextGEN Gallery (1.3.5)and this has resolved the sorting problem. It must have been the combination of upgrading to 2.8.1 and not running a current version on NextGen.
    Thanks for your assistance.

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