• Resolved mikejj101


    Hi All,
    NextGen gallery Plugin updated today and now under every gallery I have the number 1 or 1 and 2 depending on how many pictures are in the gallery.
    Changing the number of images per page then shows 1, 2 or whatever but the forward and back arrows don’t work.
    Can anyone explain why this is and how do I get rid of it when there are only a small number of images in a gallery?

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  • Discovered exactly the same thing. The front and rear arrows no longer work. Would very much like the arrows to work again.

    Yep I’ve just discovered the same thing… also this new “pagination” after the most recent update is also showing up on ALL galleries even if they don’t have a second page, so EVERY album I have across hundreds of sites now just has a random grey box under it with the number 1 in it… VERY annoying… and there doesn’t seem to be a way to disable it, other than just hiding it will CSS?? which will takes AAAAGES to update across dozens of different websites? NextGen team, please help???

    Thread Starter mikejj101


    Why have we not had any response from the NextGen team ?
    This is really annoying me and the viewers of our pages. They keep asking ‘why’ and I can’t give them an answer.
    Come on NextGen, get your act together please.

    Hi all, a team member published a workaround in this thread: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/pagination-issue-with-v-3-6/ (it’s the last code snippet that works). Best

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by holicode.
    Thread Starter mikejj101


    Thanks for the info holicode.
    I’ve just put the fix on my pages and Yes, it works fine.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by mikejj101.

    FYI all, it seems with the latest update, this issue has now been resolved ?? yay!

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