• ResolvedPlugin Author JS Morisset


    NextGEN Gallery v2.0 was released on July 30th, and it’s a big one. The support NextGEN Gallery forum is seeing a lot of activity, with many reports of broken galleries and/or websites.

    I’ve taken a look at the code, and the changes are substantial. I’ve reported the following bugs / omissions already:

    – The <div> for gallery images used to contain an ID for the image (<div id="ngg-image-#"> for example), which allowed us to detect image IDs and fetch the correct size for the Open Graph meta tags. Version 2.0 has changed this — <div> image IDs now start at 0 and increment for each image. The new HTML generated includes a new <a data-image-id="#"> attribute, which I’ve added detection for, but I’m not sure how widely it is / will be used, and since it’s included within an anchor HTML tag (ie. <a>) the image has to be linked.

    – The cached_singlepic_file() function from NextGEN Gallery does not crop images anymore. Hopefully they’ll fix this soon since cropped images are more desirable for Open Graph meta tags.

    – NextGEN Gallery v2.0 does not save resized images in easily determined folder / filename, nor does it provide the location in their image object. Although a specific size is requested from NGG, there’s no way to get information on the actual image size returned (for the moment).

    – Featured images from NextGEN Galleries are now copied to the Media Library, and appear to loose all connection with the original image. This means that NextGEN Gallery image tags can no longer be found for featured images.

    – The [nggalbum] and [album] shortcodes must now have an id attribute specified (they used to default to ‘all’ when no id was given).

    – The ImageBrowser is no longer available as an option, but is part of the gallery template instead. The supported URL query arguments have also gone away (ie. ?album=&gallery=&pageid=&pid=), replaced instead by folders and filenames in the URL. Although this may look better visually, it makes it harder to determine the image ID.

    I just checked in NGFB Open Graph+ v6.5-dev8, which attempts to go around some of these issues.

    I am currently running NextGEN Gallery v2.0 on one test server, but will wait for the next version before considering deploying it on production websites.



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  • Plugin Author JS Morisset


    Added to the NGFB Open Graph+ v6.5-dev10 changelog:

    NGFB Open Graph+ v6.5 is compatible with the new NextGEN Gallery v2.0.0. There are several known bugs / issues with NextGEN Gallery v2.0.0, some of which affects NGFB Open Graph+’s ability to detect image IDs in the content, retrieve image tags for featured images, and report accurate image dimensions for the Open Graph meta tags. If you have not yet upgraded to NextGEN Gallery v2.0.0, I would suggest you wait until the next release of NextGEN Gallery from Photocrati before doing so.

    Changes for NextGEN Gallery v2.0.0:

    * Added detection of the data-image-id='#' attribute in <a> and <img> HTML tags.
    * Fixed: Read image dimensions of cached files for NextGEN Gallery pre-v2 only.


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