• WordPress up to date? Yes
    NextGEN up to date? Yes

    (please confirm the following, with your server host tech) :
    MySQL up to date (5.2.4)? Yes
    PHP up to date (5.0)? Yes
    The mod_rewrite Apache module activated? Yes
    PHP Safe Mode OFF? Yes

    I am using the next gen gallery plugin and lightbox functionality on he gallery. I am trying to make the captions on the enlarged lightbox image link to a specific post (every image has a different post). It says in the FAQ section that this is do-able with straight HTML however I cannot get it to work.

    Here is my site: https://www.americasfinestmailbox.com/gallery/

    It seems when I try to link the caption the lightbox times out or doesnt open.

    Thank you so much for your help!


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