Problem solved. It was not a NextGen Gallery issue after all. The problem was due to a procedural error on my part. Between the time I backed up my original Nextgen Gallery data tables, and the time I installed on the new server, there was a plugin update. The new server got the NEW NextGen Gallery, which had a new column for “slug”. Since I overwrote this table when I imported the old data, that column was missing. This caused all subsequent database writes to fail, since they tried to write to include a slug for the album. There were a couple of other column constraints that had changed with the new plugin, too (NOT NULL was added). In my “test” installation, I manually created the additional “slug” column, and modified the two other columns so that the data table structure is identical to the new version…problem solved. I then took the three sql statements and put them into one .sql file and imported that into my “production” database. Again, problem solved.
I doubt anyone will have the problem I had, but here’s a good hint for general troubleshooting, and it’s how I found the problem: Turn on debugging and check the output. In wp-config.php, add the following line:
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
(remove it or comment it out after you’re finished debugging.