• Resolved paspen18



    Second time I see my site blocked due to NGINX. Otherwise been running smoothly for almost 4 years on the very same setup/server.

    Reached out to the admins and they tell me that the server my site is running on is running NGINX as a proxy only and that PHP is handled by Apache. Last time it resolved itself after a couple of days.

    Is there a way to suppress the “NGINX check”?

    Updated WP to latest version last night 6.6.1 and running SSP 3.4.0

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  • Plugin Author Serhiy Zakharchenko


    Hi @paspen18,

    Sorry to hear you encountered this issue. This problem usually occurs when NGINX not sending the request to Apache if the URL ends with “.mp3”. Could you please share your website URL to take a closer look at it?

    Best regards,

    Plugin Support keleigh824


    hi @paspen18,

    Just wanted to follow up and check if everything was ok with this? It sounds like you just saw the nginx notice in your WordPress dashboard? Or did your files not play?

    Thread Starter paspen18



    It happens from time to time with the notice on the dashboard appearing and files not downloading.

    Can’t remember who/where someone mentioned the hack, but “regenerating” the permalink structure in WordPress solves the issue.

    Plugin Support keleigh824


    @paspen18 Thanks for the follow up. I’m sorry that this seems to pop from time to time for you. Would you mind sharing with me what plugins you have installed alongside Seriously Simple Podcasting? If not, that’s ok, but I’d like to test what I can and see if something might be interfering with Seriously Simple Podcasting.

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