Hello, @nicoter
Thank you for your feedback. Users’ reviews help us to make Data Tables Generator plugin better and give us the inspiration to develop further.
Can you specify, what data table option is the most useful for your website?
We have a little quiz, please choose one of the following options:
1. Editable from frontend fields.
2. Auto-update data table from Google spreadsheet.
3. Excel formulas for Data Tables.
Please remember, our company is always open to new ideas – don’t hesitate to share with us your killer features.
We’ll do our best to satisfy all your needs with our products.
Regarding your question about AJAX loading of a table. By default – Ajax loading is not active for table and table content will be included to global search, if you enable option “Global search” in general plugin settings.
But if your table is very big and can’t load using standard plugin functionality, you can enable for it “Server-side processing” option. Only after that table will start loading using Ajax. Unfortunately when table loading with Ajax, it’s content can’t be included to global search.