• Resolved wwwcre8r


    Would prefer to just have fname, lname, email fields, and not need to show the MailChimp subscription list checkbox + text.

    Have tried hiding it, but then submissions are not being sent to MailChimp.

    The only use for this form is a newsletter signup, so there’s no need to also have the subscription checkbox.

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  • Plugin Contributor Lap


    If the form is only used for newsletter signup I suggest just using our form builder to make the form instead of using Ninja Forms. Then there will be no need to include the checkbox at all.

    If you wish to receive an email notification each time a user signs up you can find that feature in the Premium version of our plugin: https://mc4wp.com/features/#Notifications

    Thread Starter wwwcre8r


    Thanks. I actually just found the answer that I needed. I’m using the “Ninja Forms Blocks” plugin, and I was able to put a .invisible class (plus height:0;) in the block that wraps the MailChimp subscription list checkbox + text.

    Tested and it works perfectly!

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