This is most likely being caused by the get_avatar_url.
Please take a look at your hosting error logs.
If you look at the error log it will tell you which line contains the error and which file. An easy way to fix this would be to edit that file. Comment out the section that is causing the error. The file should be in your theme directory
On the noted line (found in the error log) you should see a statement that is used for avatars. Comment out the entire thing by placing /* in front of the statement and */ immediately following it. This will exclude it from being processed. Your website should load just fine after making this change and the code will still be there, just excluded from processing.
This function was built into WordPress in 4.2, but was previously something that the theme author had to bake in. In 4.2 the exact same statement that you commented out is included in wp-includes/link-template.php.
Therefore, it is completely safe to remove it because it’s a duplicate code conflict. Commenting it out is just a safer way to explain to people. I hate telling people to remove code because they may remove the wrong thing.
This is causing 4.2 to not load for many people.