• Resolved etzechiel


    Hello support- team, I have the problem that every time I try to access the settings from my profile (profile- settings, widget- settings, account- settings, change avatar, etc.), I find the message “This page cannot be found”, or I am automatically redirected to the homepage. It’s like the related settings pages do not exist.

    Short premise: I have already tried all possible solutions suggested in other topics (deactivate BP classic, purge cache, upgrade everything to the latest version, deactivate all plugins, etc.). I have also tested different browsers and devices. Nothing worked.

    I have spent the last 3 days to read all related topics in this forum and in your documentation, unfortunately with no success, and I would be very thankful for your help.

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  • Plugin Support Youzify


    Hello @etzechiel

    Thank you for reaching us

    First, may I know what Youzify version do you use? Also, have you tried to do a conflict test?

    • Deactivate all of your plugins. If this solves the problem, gradually activate your plugins one by one, until you spot the problematic plugin.
    • If you have a caching plugin, make sure you deactivate it, or even better – purge the cache.
    • Change your WordPress theme to WordPress TwentySeventeen (or other default WordPress theme).

    Best Regards, KaineLabs Team.

    Thread Starter etzechiel


    Thanks for your answer. I am currently using version 1.2.5. As described, I have already tested all options you have mentioned above, and nothing worked.

    Thanks for your support.

    Thread Starter etzechiel


    More precisely: the issue is that for any kind of settings, I get the error message that the related page cannot be found.

    Plugin Support Youzify


    Hello @etzechiel

    This weird. We tested several times the Youzify 1.2.5 and find that all settings pages is working fine.

    Please go to Settings >> Permalinks, and make sure you select “Posts” instead of “Custom” structure. And then click save.

    Also all settings already enabled on the BuddyPress Settings page.

    Best Regards, KaineLabs Team.

    Thread Starter etzechiel


    Thanks, that worked for me. Instead of “Posts”, I found “postname”, but now everything seems to work fine.

    Thank your very much for your help.

    Plugin Support Youzify


    Hello @etzechiel

    Ah finally. So the problem solved after yo change and save the permalink?

    Best Regards, KaineLabs Team.

    Thread Starter etzechiel


    Hello @kainelabsteam,

    yes, the problem was solved after I changed from “Custom structure” to “Post name”. Since in both cases I found as permalink ” /%postname%/ >, I couldn’t find a solution.

    Thanks again for your help.

    Best regards.

    Plugin Support Youzify


    Hello @etzechiel

    We are happy that we were able to help you.

    If you don’t mind could you take a moment to leave us a 5-Star rating and a good review, please?

    We know that this might take little effort and time from you, but your support will mean a lot to us.  Because your review will help people feel confident about choosing Youzify. And will help us grow the team to speed up the development process and improving our services.

    In case you need help with any other issues, don’t hesitate to reach us. and we will be very happy to help. ??

    Thread Starter etzechiel


    Hello, with pleasure I give you a 5- star rating. It’s well deserved both for the plugin and for your kind and fast support.

    Thanks again.

    Plugin Support Youzify


    Hello @etzechiel

    Thank you very much. Appreciate your kindness. ??

    Best Regards, KaineLabs Team.

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