• Resolved skoda007


    1. I have no access to the page Settings / Frontend / Frontend Styles.

    I get the following error message:

    To edit colours opentickets-community-edition/assets/css/frontend/event-base.less and event.css need to be writable.

    But all these files are writable. What could it be?
    Thank you for your help…

    2. I have no meta-boxes for the “featured image”, so I cannot add an image to the event or to the venue. The theme supports featured images. (I fixed this problem by editing the table wp-postmeta manually, but with meta-boxes it would be easier ?? )

    Thank you for your help…


    * WC Version: [neutral] 2.5.2
    * WP Version: [neutral] 4.4.2
    * WP Multisite Enabled: [neutral] Yes
    * Wev Server Info: [neutral] Apache ++ HTTP/1.0
    * PHP Version: [neutral] 5.6.17-1~he.2
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    * WP Memory Limit: [good] Sie haben mehr als das erforderliche Minimum von 64MB. Ihr derzeitiger Gesamtspeicher betr?gt 256M.
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    * WP Max Upload Size: [neutral] No
    * WP Max Post Size: [neutral] 32M
    * PHP Max Execution Time: [neutral] 30
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    * WP Uploads Writable: [good] Uploads directory IS writable
    * Default Timezone: [neutral] UTC


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  • Thread Starter skoda007


    1. oooups – the problem with the writable files is fixed. I forgot the parent folder.

    2. But the problem of the missing meta-box (for featured image) is still remained

    Plugin Author loushou


    Hey @skoda007,

    It is pretty strange that your featured image metabox is missing. My goto answer for this is that your theme does not support the featured image, which would cause the metabox to not show (since that is the core wp metabox, no one we made). You said you edited the db to resolve the theme support issue, but I am not sure that is the correct method of solving that problem.

    From my experience, the only way to resolve this issue would be to either edit the theme’s functions.php file to specifically tell wp that the theme supports featured images, or to create a child theme, which does the same. Checkout this codex page about how to enable this support on your theme. Once you make that code change, the effects should be immediately apparent.

    If that does not work, we may need to take some more steps. We will discuss that if we get that far.

    Hope this helps,

    Thread Starter skoda007


    Thank you.
    In deed my functions.php restricted the featured image by this code.

    add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' , array( 'post' , 'page' , 'portfolio' , 'product' ) )

    I changed it in the following code without restrictions:
    add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );

    and now all is wonderful. Thanks ??

    Plugin Author loushou


    Hi @skoda007,

    Yeah many of the display features of our plugin rely heavily upon how your theme is configured, so that you can customize it using your theme. Glad to hear that this theme configuration was what the problem was, and that it was relatively easy to resolve. If you run into any more stumbling blocks, we are hear to help.


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