• Frances Allen


    ?I upgraded yesterday to wp 6.6.1. and latest version of my theme, SlimClick Pro child.

    Since then, if I want to insert an Envira gallery between two paragraphs, I no longer see the + sign. I have spotted a + in the menu at the top and can then select envira. But it puts the selected gallery at the bottom of my post rather than inserting it between two text paragraphs (eg between paragraphs 4 and 5 in the sample post I have linked to).

    I’m trying to work out what has happened. I really don’t want to understand more than I need to as my site has worked perfectly happily for several years. Any pointers would be very welcome.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • threadi


    Has the + button disappeared from every place where it is normally displayed? Can you show this as a screenshot? See: https://www.ads-software.com/support/forum-user-guide/block-editor/#adding-screenshots

    Another tip: deactivate all plugins as a test.

    Thread Starter Frances Allen


    Yes, the + button has disappeared from every place where it is normally displayed.

    I tried deactivating all plugins (except envira related) and got a message that my site doesn’t include support for the “tadv/classic-paragraph” block.

    I hope this Imgur link works (1st time using site): https://imgur.com/a/GJwc77T

    Thread Starter Frances Allen


    Since my last message I have tried installing classic editor. The post page is different. There is still no + when I insert a paragraph, but at least there is a button I can click and the envira gallery appears in the right place.

    I notice there is now a deprecated message, so maybe the problem is with the theme’s interaction with the upgraded wp? /home/francesa/public_html/wp/wp-includes/functions.php?

    The Classic Editor is not a solution for this, as it does not use any blocks and also offers far fewer design options.

    I assume you have activated the distraction-free mode in the Block Editor. If you still see the 3 dots at the top right, go to them and deactivate the distraction-free mode. Alternatively, the key combination Ctrl+Shift+\ should also help.

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