• Hello! I am trying to insert a custom banner image as you did in your video – but I don’t get a choice anywhere to do so. The only choices I get are Menu Display Options, 4 different colors and the spacing between top and content. Is the custom banner not part of the lite version, even though it says so in the list?

    Also, if I make my own banner – will it keep your specified transparency, which makes it so awesome?

    Thank you, I appreciate your work and lovely template, once I get it all to work ??

    ~ Barb

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  • Theme Author Schwarttzy


    Currently, you have go to “Appearance -> Header” to upload an image, but soon I’ll have it so you can do it from the theme customizer.

    Transparency is completely up to you, but I might look into putting an option into the theme in the future.

    Thread Starter majesticmoose


    Thank you Eric for your quick answer, but unfortunately that does not help me. This puts in a header above my posts (still on the paper), but not a banner, which is on the top of the page (above the paper). I would like to upload a banner, not a header. Is that something that is only available in the full version?

    In the chart is says that custom banner is included in the Lite version, but not custom header – maybe it is the other way around? I just want to make sure I can make this all look a certain way before buying the full version.

    I am new to wordpress and have only dealt with html before, so I am a but clueless here.

    ~ barb

    Thread Starter majesticmoose


    If you go to https://raventree-studio.com/ you see what I mean. I want it to look like your page ??

    Theme Author Schwarttzy


    The naming is confusing but they are using the Header Image which is built into WordPress and I’m forced to use because of which I don’t get much control over the naming. So… ya just got to “Appearance -> Header” because that is what https://raventree-studio.com/ is using.

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