No cache created by WordPress 2.0.2
I have three blogs which are not creating a cache. They are all running on WP 2.0.2 / Mysql 4.1.15 / PHP 4.4.2
I have tried creating wp-content/cache/ manually, and set permissions of both folders to 777, but no success.
What should my next step be?
You have to enable the cache in wp-config.php for it to be created.
It is currently disabled by default as it was causing to many problems to support on every hosting configuration.
Add the following to wp-config.php
define('ENABLE_CACHE', true);
And then it should be enabled.
You can check its working with my cache inspector plugin – wouldn’t enable the cache with WordPress 2.0.2 … you open yourself up to one of the security vulnerabilities that 2.0.3 addresses.
Very true Mark! I forgot to recommend that above.
The instructions will of course work for 2.0.3 just as well.
Ok, I’ve enabled the cache in wp-config.php
No change – cache directory stays empty.
I installed your plugin westi, but I don’t see:
a small semi-transparent box in the top right hand corner of the page
I do now have a page at Manage > Cache, but the only content is a button to ‘Clear the Cache’.
I understand about the security issue, but need to troubleshoot first.
Correction to my comment above – I do now see the semi-transparent box on each page.
Cold Cache Hits stays at: 2
Warm Cache Hits increases by about 4-5 each page load.
Cache Misses: mostly stays at 15, occasionally drops to 13-14.
Loaded data: 12 pages (what I would expect).However, /wp-content/cache/ remains empty.
If the cache folder is staying empty then WordPress can’t write to it.
There will still be some cache hits as the cache will be used ,within a single page load, instead of requesting the same info multiple times from the database
Westi says:
then WordPress can’t write to it
Any clue about what might be stopping it?
I’ve done a second WP installation on the same server, and this also will not write to cache, even with the instruction in wp-config.php.
Also, I’m puzzled your first reply:
It is currently disabled by default
I have WP 2.0.2 running on several other hosts, and the cache started working straight out of the box – no modification needed to wp-config.php.
I am beginning to think I might have an unsuitable host (I’m already on their case about intermittent timeouts when loading pages), but I would like to be certain that I have eliminated any possibility of mistakes at my end.
should be sticky… many people don’t read this..
they think everything works without adding the code..
I know about WP-Cache. Unfortunately it seems to require SSH or Telnet access to the webserver (although the author is strangely reluctant to answer questions about this).
I trying to find out if there is something wrong with the shared hosting server I am using that causes the ordinary WP cache to fail.
If it is a server configuration that can be corrected I will ask the webmaster to do so.
If it can’t be corrected, I need to know what I should be checking for when evaluating a replacement host.
Unfortunately it seems to require SSH or Telnet access to the webserver
Strange. Shouldn’t. What specifically are you trying to do while SSHing in?
drmike says:
What specifically are you trying to do while SSHing in?
Like most WP users, I only have FTP access to my server. Ricardo’s instructions start:
Step 1. Upload to your plugins folder, usually wp-content/plugins/ and unzip the file
I can’t find any information on how to do this. Every other plugin I unzip on my hard drive then upload, but this does not produce the necessary result:
it will create a wp-content/plugins/wp-cache/ directory.
Then the instructions say:
Step 5. Create a symbolic link from wp-content/advanced-cache.php to wp-content/plugins/wp-cache/wp-cache-phase1.php.
Reading down past lots of unanswered questions about this I finally see comment 351:
Clueless, what you need to do is login using SSH (or Telnet) to your server with a user that has the rights to make symbolic links.
If you are able to explain how an ordinary WP user on a shared host can achieve this it would probably be more appropriate on the plugin page I’ve linked to.
I appreciate your help, and the information on how to install the WP-Cache plugin will be very useful to lots of people who can’t get an understandable answer from the author.
However, I’d still like to know why the webserver I am on is not behaving and if it can be fixed.
just try to upload it like every other plugin.
- Unzip it on your hard drive, upload the whole unzipped wp-cache folder into wp-content/plugins/)
- Then go to the administration panel and activate it.
- After that, you’ll see a submenu called WP-Cache in the Options menu.
- If you click on this the first time, the plugin will try to create the symbolic link for you, so you don’t need SSH or Telnet.
- If something fails due the lack of writing permissions, the plugin will tell you what you have to do.
If you need to change file or folder permissions, have a look at Changing File Permissions at the WordPress Codex.
Best regards,
Thanks for the simple explanation, Arne.
The installation went fine – no error messages – no apparent problems.
WP-Cache is now Enabled with default configuration.
Cache contents reported as:
0 cached pages
0 expired pagesAnd no extra code appears in pages to indicate cache is working.
If I try to look in wp-content/cache with my FTP programme to see if anything is there, I get:
550 permission deniedI cannot change permissions on
wp-content/cache (currently: rwx — —)
or wp-content/advanced-cache.php (currently: rw- r– r–)
because user is ‘apache’, not me.typically the ftp user is owner of files on ‘good’ systems. even on ‘bad’ systems, the ftp user should have full owner-level control over anything created in your tree by the apache user (if not, must be a permissions issue — mask, group, something… talk to your sysadmins).
don’t bother using the ‘object cache’ of WP2 on any standard shared server — it basically makes no impact. The only time it’d make some impact is when you have a very heavily hit SQL server and lightly hit webserver…
wp-cache is the plugin of choice. sounds like it got installed properly, but you may need to delete the /cache directory (or, again, talk to sysadmins — sounds like something odd on your box there!).
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