• Resolved sarahsas


    Is anyone else having issues with recent updates to NextGen Gallery with regards to captions? I manage several sites, and on all of them, if I update to any version later than 3.2.23, the captions on all of my galleries no longer display. I’ve rolled back all my sites to this version and the captions have all been restored, so I don’t have an example site to share… but I’m just wondering if this is a known issue or if there is some setting I need to change after the updates? Any thoughts??

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  • Plugin Support Mihai Ceban


    Hi @sarahsas,

    Are you referring about the Lightbox captions or about the captions that appear below the thumbnails ( if using the captions legacy template )?

    Thread Starter sarahsas


    Hello! The lightbox captions.

    Thread Starter sarahsas


    Hi @mihaiimagely I updated one of my sites that only has one small gallery so you can see the issue. Scroll down on this page, center column: https://harmaxiproductions.com/portfolio/tink/

    after I update the plug-in and then inspect the lightbox image, it looks like the whole .sl-caption div is just missing???


    Plugin Support Mihai Ceban


    Hi @sarahsas,

    Thanks for your reply. This has been purposefully changed so SimpleLightbox could load the images’ descriptions instead of the images titles for the consistency reasons ( just like in the case with the other lightbox effects that’s available in NextGen Gallery.

    You may want to manually add descriptions for your images so those could show up as captions in SimpleLightbox.

    Thread Starter sarahsas


    Ah crap… I literally have thousands of photos across dozens of sites using this plugin that all have the captions edited for the titles rather than descriptions. It will take me days to replace all that data. Is there no way to choose which data is pulled for the captions, somewhere in settings???

    Plugin Support Mihai Ceban


    Unfortunately, there isn’t such a setting that would allow selecting the images’ title as SimpleLighbox captions.

    Thread Starter sarahsas


    Then why was it pulling the captions from the titles in the first place prior to the 3.3 update? I would assume most people would set their captions in the place where the lightbox was displaying them originally? So what was the expectation for all those people after this update was made, surely I’m not the only person who has this massive issue as a result of this change?

    I don’t know if this will lead you anywhere for a solution, but I’ll share it FWIW. On my site, I was getting both the title and the description in my lightbox showing, and since I actually had them both being the same, I ended up adding CSS code to remove one of them:

    #npl_wrapper.npl-variant-white .galleria-info-title {display: none !important;}
    #npl_wrapper.npl-variant-white .galleria-info-description {text-align: left; font-size: large;}

    My understanding was that lightbox will take both data sets, even if the styling in one theme or another only uses one. Perhaps you could try telling it to display the title through CSS? I’m not convinced that will work, it would likely require a PHP tweak to actually display it, but if it has been simply “hidden”, it might show up again?

    Just a thought.


    Plugin Support Mihai Ceban


    Hi @sarahsas,

    This change was due to multiple requests from our customers to ensure that SimpleLightbox behaves the same as other NextGen’s lightbox effects that always used to display the image’s descriptions instead of the titles.

    Thanks for trying to help but, unfortunately, the suggested CSS solution is for Pro Lightbox and will not work for SimpleLightbox since SimpleLightbox doesn’t even display the title in “hide mode” and bringing it back is a subject of code changing.

    Thread Starter sarahsas


    hi @mihaiimagely I appreciate why the change was made, as I understand the need to comply with other open-source assets. However, I would have thought SOME consideration would have been given to the multitude of people who were using your plugin AS IT WAS ALREADY SETUP, to aid them in the conversion process. I now have THOUSANDS of images that I need to go in and update the captions all by hand. It would have been nice if your developers somehow accounted for this in the update. i.e. by offering some sort of import/export processor, or allowing for a place in the album settings whereby we could CHOOSE the source of the displayed caption so as to avoid HOURS of work to comply with your new settings.

    So I guess my options are to NEVER update this plugin again, or to waste hours updating everything by hand. Thanks for nothing. Poor planning on Imagely’s part, frankly.

    and @polywogg, thank you for trying to help, I truly do appreciate the effort.

    Hello @sarahsas,

    Our deepest apologies.
    From the support side, we always remind the developers about all the issues that might arise after making those decisions. We’ll be happy to share your feedback with them today.

    Thread Starter sarahsas


    @gabyimagely that would be greatly appreciated for any future updates, thank you.

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