Thanks for the link…because you do not split your post with a “Read More” button (or link) from the editor, the comments are only shown when the person clicks on the post title. This is actually how the blog works when you don’t insert a read more tag with WordPress…normally themes are not coded that way and will only show the comment form on the full post by clicking on the post title or a Read More button or link.
If the comment form were to show up in each of the blog home page posts as you have them displayed right now, you would end up with not only multiple forms, but all the comments for each post.
For your site, here is an example when I click on the An Orange Morph House…title:
By the way, those are amazing photos!
As a side note, if you decide to put in a Read More link but not sure how that is done, there is a tutorial to show you how this is done: Insert Read More