• set up a host gater account and installed WP. Never received a confirmation email with my WP login and password for the admin page. it said it downloaded successfully but no email. tried to uninstall and reinstall multiple times and no email. am i doing something wrong?!

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  • How are you installing wordpress manually or using fantastico the install program hostgator has.

    Thread Starter kenda1ss


    thanks for quick response! i just used the “quick-install” option w/in hostgator. named QuickInstall autoinstaller BETA. sorry not sure if that is manual or not.

    Did you follow instructions as that is install program

    Thread Starter kenda1ss


    yes, followed instructions that i learned at wordcamp columbus this wkend. There is only 4 boxes to fill in: “admin email”, “blog title”, “first name”, “last name”. then a “install now” button. after clicking “install now” it says installed succesfull. They said at wordcamp after this step it should be set to use the dashboard. Is there another step im missing?

    did you check on your domain name if wordpress is installed post your url

    Thread Starter kenda1ss


    not sure how to check on the domain name if its installed..sorry, rookie…www.immanuelboxing.com

    Thread Starter kenda1ss


    oh right, yes it does say “welcome to wordpress”, “just another word press site”, etc..so it appears it installed successfully, i just dont have access to dashboard via login and passowrd

    Look like you wordpress is installed fine did you check you email if it did not go in junk mail if you did not receive any email with user name password then you will need reset password
    and use this link to log in admin panel

    Thread Starter kenda1ss


    THANK YOU!!! Finally…tried that same step over and over but for some reason it worked this time. appreciate it!

    You are welcome

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