• Anonymous User 13938556


    On my company’s website, I have a calendar page. It is a very long PHP script because it queries a MySQL database and then formats the results into either past or future events, displaying the two differently. But the page has just disappeared. When the page is loaded, it shows a completely blank page. When the page is viewed, the following code is the main block of content.

    <div id="page-content">
    			<div class="no-breadcrumbs-padding"></div>
    <div id="content-container" class="container_24">
        <div id="main-content" class="grid_16">
    	<div class="main-content-padding">
    		<div class="post" id="post-2289">
    		    <div class="entry">
    	    <div class="clear"></div>
    <p class="editLink"><a class="post-edit-link" href="https://www.irunutah.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=2289&action=edit">Edit this entry.</a></p>	</div><!-- end main-content-padding -->
        </div><!-- end main-content -->

    As you can see, the only content displayed is the “Edit this entry.” label. When I’m not logged in, it doesn’t show anything.

    It’s happened in the past, too, and I’m not exactly sure what prompted it to begin showing content again, but eventually it did after making tweaks to the code that seemed to do nothing. I’m running an old version of the U-Design theme (version 1.4.1) and am unable to update it, as the company who set up our website is uncooperative in letting us download the new update. The following plugins are installed and active: Disable wpautop by John Godley, Events Manager by Marcus Stykes, PHP Code Widget by Otto, PS Disable Auto Formatting by Hitoshi Omagari, Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin by Don Fischer, U-Design Shortcode Insert Button by Andon, WordPress Database Backup by Austin Matzko, WP exec PHP by Tom Thorogood, and WP FullCalendar by Marcus Stykes.

    As the website needs to be repaired ASAP, I tried putting up a temporary calendar page, but after writing a quick script (that should be absolutely impossible to mess up on!), the page is doing the same thing! The code is below.

    $result=mysqli_query($db,"SELECT * FROM races WHERE verified='LIVE'");
    while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
    $string=date("l, F Y g:i a",$format);
    echo '<a href="/race/?race='.$row['id'].'">'.$row['racename'].' '.$string.'</a><br>';

    The referenced “./config.php” connects to the database and starts the session. One odd thing is, if I take out the reference to the date, it shows the list just fine. All the dates look fine, in the database they all follow this format, “2014-10-18 20:00:00”. I don’t see any characters or script in this column that would disrupt the page.

    I didn’t copy any code from the previous page that also is having this issue. The issue isn’t happening on every page, just the ones that reference that specific database table. Perhaps it’s an issue with the database. Any suggestions on possible fixes? Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    The page where this is happening can be seen at https://www.irunutah.com/race-calendar-temp/ for the temporary page, or https://www.irunutah.com/race-calendar/ for the fully extensive page.

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