From taking a look at the site itself, I was able to see things appear to be set up such that changing the style.css file under infocus34 should do the job. If you add some code related to the CSS classes and IDs in the CSS cheat sheet at the bottom of the plugin’s Setup screen, that should change things up. I made some changes on this end with overriding that specific style.css file on my viewing end to see if that should do it and it appears to work.
So adding this to the bottom of that particular style.css file does appear to increase the size of the fonts within the signup form’s box to 15 pixels as well as make the fonts italicized:
#mc_signup {
font-style: italic;
font-size: 15px;
There may be some conflicts with particular CSS options being overridden by other options within the site’s CSS, but that CSS file does appear to be the one to change. If you have issues with any particular options, please let us know. We’ll be glad to take a look.