• Resolved Anonymous User 2347895


    Everything went OK with my site’s WP 2.7 set-up except one major thing … the admin panel has no theme.

    When I use Firebug to look at the admin panel page, it says “there are no rules in this stylesheet.” So I see no formatting for any of the features in admin panel, just a bunch of links, lists and boxes. They all work, they just aren’t formatted in a workable way.

    I’ve looked everywhere to figure out what controls this. It looks like its script-loader.php in the wp-includes folder. There are references there to $styles->add() and all the css files in wp-admin are included (lines 332-342). The filepaths look right; but nothing is loading.

    Seems like the forums for WP aren’t very helpful on stuff like this but I figured I throw this out there in case anyone has fixed this problem before or has a suggestion.

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  • some of the /wp-admin files obviously didn’t make it
    upload that folder again

    Seems like the forums for WP aren’t very helpful on stuff like this

    so come help us out from time to time
    we’re all just volunteers with our own blogs and lives

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 2347895


    Thanks for the help, but missing files was not the problem. It had to do with Dreamweaver auto-updating file path within the folder when I changed the name of the folder from wordpress to blog. For anyone else using Dreamweaver to install a WordPress blog, who wants to change the name of the folder to something other than wordpress, the installation instructions weren’t entirely clear (at least not to me) so here’s what I’d suggest:

    1. Download the wordpress zipped folder to the folder that is named as the root folder in the site, as configured in Dreamweaver.
    2. Outside Dreamweaver (e.g., in Windows Explorer), right click on the zipped folder and open it, then move the uncompressed wordpress folder to the same root folder.
    3. Then, in Dreamweaver, drag the folder to the remote site. This means that Dreamweaver never prompts you to update file names.
    4. Then, once it is on the remote site, change the name of the folder to whatever else you would rather it be named (if not wordpress).

    At least, that ended up working smoothly for me. Of course, you’ll still need a wp-config.php file to complete the installation, as described on the page on the www.ads-software.com site describing how to install. So, everything looks right now – just need to start blogging, I guess!

    this is why dreamweaver isnt recommended around here to use as an FTP client. Its not one, and your issue isnt the only one associated with using it as one.

    But then, what do we know.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 2347895


    Makes sense. You probably know more than I do. I’m used to accessing sites that I deal with thru Dreamweaver, but I see now that it’s got its drawbacks.

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I could NOT get my admin panel theme working. I had posted here and was told to reinstall the admin folder, which didn’t work [I even redownloaded it and reinstalled], and I had found no other suggestions. I was starting to think I was stupid for not understanding the solution. Apparently it was bc I was using Dreamweaver. I did what you outlined. It worked! YEA!!!! Thanks again.

    I think this is the same problem I am having ….but I am not using Dreamweaver. I uploaded the WordPress files directly to my root directory using Fetch. Shouldn’t that be fine? Everything works, ut there is no formatting in the admin panel. The blog looks fine – or it did before I completely reinstalled to “fix” this. ?? Didn’t work. Now I’m waiting for my new DB to be setup.

    Any ideas for fixing the admin panel?

    I had the same problem: things missing and white text in my admin panel… I found that my problem was that this test site I was working on was a GoDaddy ‘free’ hosting site that served ads, which interfering with the CSS. As soon as I put it on a hosting account that didn’t serve ads all of my problems disappeared.

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