No data returned. Unknown error
Hello, i have a similar Error: “No data returned. Unknown error” (see on my website: Could you help me please?
The short code is as follows: [gallery type='instagram' media_id='17866753973054679' embed_type='embed']
Do you detect any mistake? We use wordpress version 5.5.3.
Thank you!
Best Leopold
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
Try reauthenticating from Photonic → Authentication. Facebook recently made a change to force reauthentication for tokens older than 60 days, and that reauthentication has to be done by a human, not a machine. That might be causing your issue.
Hi, thanks for the quick response. I have already carried out your proposed solution, but now by deregistering and registering again. Unfortunately no change. Do you have any other ideas?
Try the steps on this thread and let me know what the message comes back as.
Hey thanks für your answer. Enclosed you will find a part of the answer. The best way is to go to my website. There you will find the whole code. At first I saved it like this.
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Videos gezeigt, ohne genau zu erkl\u00e4ren, was dort zu sehen ist:\nAuf dem Herbstlager haben wir mit den Kindern Taschenw\u00e4rmer selbst hergestellt (daf\u00fcr auch die Metallpl\u00e4ttchen). Bereits im Vorwege haben wir die Kristalle gekocht, die f\u00fcr die L\u00f6sung ben\u00f6tigt werden. Die Kinder durften dann die Zutaten in ihre T\u00fcten zusammengeben und ein kleines Baumwolls\u00e4ckchen bemalen, wo der Taschenw\u00e4rmer dann rein kommt. ACHTUNG: das alles wurde von einer Chemielaborantin begleitet. #cpb #regp #miraculix #mittendrinstattnurdabei\ud83c\udfd5 #pfadfindermusstdusein”,”media_type”:”CAROUSEL_ALBUM”,”media_url”:”https:\/\/\/v\/t51.29350-15\/121487430_803408190460820_139935232198099570_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=2&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=zCh5VytsBCcAX9sjDGo&”,”permalink”:”https:\/\/\/p\/CGPmN5qgrgT\/”,”timestamp”:”2020-10-12T12:36:23+0000″,”username”:”pfadfinderbrokstedt”} [response] => Array ( [code] => 200 [message] => OK ) [cookies] => Array ( ) [filename] => [http_response] => WP_HTTP_Requests_Response Object ( [response:protected] => Requests_Response Object ( [body] => {"id":"17866753973054679","caption":"Aufl\u00f6sung: in den letzten Wochen haben wir Euch Bilder bzw. Videos gezeigt, ohne genau zu erkl\u00e4ren, was dort zu sehen ist:\nAuf dem Herbstlager haben wir mit den Kindern Taschenw\u00e4rmer selbst hergestellt (daf\u00fcr auch die Metallpl\u00e4ttchen). Bereits im Vorwege haben wir die Kristalle gekocht, die f\u00fcr die L\u00f6sung ben\u00f6tigt werden. Die Kinder durften dann die Zutaten in ihre T\u00fcten zusammengeben und ein kleines Baumwolls\u00e4ckchen bemalen, wo der Taschenw\u00e4rmer dann rein kommt. ACHTUNG: das alles wurde von einer Chemielaborantin begleitet. #cpb #regp #miraculix #mittendrinstattnurdabei\ud83c\udfd5 #pfadfindermusstdusein","media_type":"CAROUSEL_ALBUM","media_url":"https:\/\/\/v\/t51.29350-15\/121487430_803408190460820_139935232198099570_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=2&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=zCh5VytsBCcAX9sjDGo&","permalink":"https:\/\/\/p\/CGPmN5qgrgT\/","timestamp":"2020-10-12T12:36:23+0000","username":"pfadfinderbrokstedt"} [raw] => HTTP/1.1 200 OK ETag: "7305123b5a8f139572876b25050f0a9dd9d819a9" Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 Expires: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT x-fb-request-id: A5r1deiLUVF0-F73q-ezUwK Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15552000 x-fb-trace-id: Gpr0nZaiCU1 Content-Encoding: gzip x-app-usage: {"call_volume":0,"cpu_time":0} x-fb-rev: 1002933528 Cache-Control: private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate Vary: Accept-Encoding Pragma: no-cache Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * instagram-api-version: v1.0 X-FB-Debug: LqdnfDue+cHicxXDJEI14eMY8TWxcKYLu/ZxdF77LV949LD7YJ68B8hj7BWXGximYph/F0M4uhnaKm55pvbW5A== Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2020 06:57:30 GMT X-FB-TRIP-ID: 1781455057 Connection: close Content-Length: 747 {"id":"17866753973054679","caption":"Aufl\u00f6sung: in den letzten Wochen haben wir Euch Bilder bzw. Videos gezeigt, ohne genau zu erkl\u00e4ren, was dort zu sehen ist:\nAuf dem Herbstlager haben wir mit den Kindern Taschenw\u00e4rmer selbst hergestellt (daf\u00fcr auch die Metallpl\u00e4ttchen). Bereits im Vorwege haben wir die Kristalle gekocht, die f\u00fcr die L\u00f6sung ben\u00f6tigt werden. Die Kinder durften dann die Zutaten in ihre T\u00fcten zusammengeben und ein kleines Baumwolls\u00e4ckchen bemalen, wo der Taschenw\u00e4rmer dann rein kommt. ACHTUNG: das alles wurde von einer Chemielaborantin begleitet. #cpb #regp #miraculix #mittendrinstattnurdabei\ud83c\udfd5 #pfadfindermusstdusein","media_type":"CAROUSEL_ALBUM","media_url":"https:\/\/\/v\/t51.29350-15\/121487430_803408190460820_139935232198099570_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=2&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=zCh5VytsBCcAX9sjDGo&","permalink":"https:\/\/\/p\/CGPmN5qgrgT\/","timestamp":"2020-10-12T12:36:23+0000","username":"pfadfinderbrokstedt"} [headers] => Requests_Response_Headers Object ( [data:protected] => Array ( [etag] => Array ( [0] => "7305123b5a8f139572876b25050f0a9dd9d819a9" ) [content-type] => Array ( [0] => application/json; charset=UTF-8 ) [expires] => Array ( [0] => Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT ) [x-fb-request-id] => Array ( [0] => A5r1deiLUVF0-F73q-ezUwK ) [strict-transport-security] => Array ( [0] => max-age=15552000 ) [x-fb-trace-id] => Array ( [0] => Gpr0nZaiCU1 ) [content-encoding] => Array ( [0] => gzip ) [x-app-usage] => Array ( [0] => {"call_volume":0,"cpu_time":0} ) [x-fb-rev] => Array ( [0] => 1002933528 ) [cache-control] => Array ( [0] => private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate ) [vary] => Array ( [0] => Accept-Encoding ) [pragma] => Array ( [0] => no-cache ) [access-control-allow-origin] => Array ( [0] => * ) [instagram-api-version] => Array ( [0] => v1.0 ) [x-fb-debug] => Array ( [0] => LqdnfDue+cHicxXDJEI14eMY8TWxcKYLu/ZxdF77LV949LD7YJ68B8hj7BWXGximYph/F0M4uhnaKm55pvbW5A== ) [date] => Array ( [0] => Fri, 06 Nov 2020 06:57:30 GMT ) [x-fb-trip-id] => Array ( [0] => 1781455057 ) [content-length] => Array ( [0] => 747 ) ) ) [status_code] => 200 [protocol_version] => 1.1 [success] => 1 [redirects] => 0 [url] => [history] => Array ( ) [cookies] => Requests_Cookie_Jar Object ( [cookies:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [filename:protected] => [data] => [headers] => [status] => ) ) Array ( [headers] => Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary Object ( [data:protected] => Array ( [etag] => "f4c6d1f9c1868be70c83f142234d77eccb7ce082" [content-type] => application/json; charset=UTF-8 [expires] => Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT [x-fb-request-id] => Ajr0Xfkf1LS0CPrUzLY7tUu [strict-transport-security] => max-age=15552000 [x-fb-trace-id] => CjtJsd4w5ug [content-encoding] => gzip [x-app-usage] => {"call_volume":0,"cpu_time":0} [x-fb-rev] => 1002933528 [cache-control] => private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate [vary] => Accept-Encoding [pragma] => no-cache [access-control-allow-origin] => * [instagram-api-version] => v1.0 [x-fb-debug] => oqKm9X4V5QnqcdgLQRW7bWiYVXKSnKHZIGqglsEfP5sD05m8s9LQL5rMNynVhz9zIS5pdG12A0gyAlkeqqXlgw== [date] => Fri, 06 Nov 2020 06:57:31 GMT [x-fb-trip-id] => 1781455057 [content-length] => 743 ) ) [body] => {"id":"17843396966419934","caption":"Was geh\u00f6rt alles zur Kluft? Seit 2020 auf jeden Fall auch ein Mund-Nasenschutz!\ud83d\ude37 Dank Armin und Nicole Rechter d\u00fcrfen alle HelferInnen und JuLeiCas nun einen solchen Mund-Nasenschutz ihr Eigen nennen. \ud83d\ude0e Der Stammesleitung ist es wichtig, dass das Hygienekonzept f\u00fcr die Gruppenangebote der Christophorus Pfadfinder eingehalten wird und da das Tragen einer solchen Schutzmaske dazugeh\u00f6rt, wollen wir diese f\u00fcr unsere ehrenamtlichen MitarbeiterInnen stellen. P\u00fcnktlich zum Herbstlager und zur #Einheitsbuddelei ist uns dies gelungen \ud83d\udc4c #cpb #regp #mundnasenschutz #stolzwieoskar #covid_19 #ehrenamtistehrensache","media_type":"IMAGE","media_url":"https:\/\/\/v\/t51.29350-15\/120984309_632255477464519_1218477925260423557_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=2&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=lZZTy1HcpX8AX_wGHnC&_nc_ht=scontent-frx5-Thank you for the details.
It looks like I need to make some updates after Instagram recently disabled their “oEmbed” API.
To get the galleries working again you have to make some changes. For some galleries you are seeing just “No data returned. Unknown error”, and for some other galleries you are seeing “Unknown error”.
If you are seeing the first message:
- Change your
parameter toembed_type='integrate'
. - Save your post. That will fix this error message.
If you are seeing the second message, you will need some extra steps:
- First, select the shortcode and click on the “Add / Edit Photonic Gallery” button, which will launch the gallery builder.
- For the first screen “Instagram” will be selected. Click on “Next”.
- For the second screen “Single Photo” will be selected. Click on “Next”.
- For the third screen your photo will be selected. Also, at the top, you will see a dropdown saying, “How do you want to display your photo?” Pick “Show similar to other photos without embedding Instagram”. Click on “Next”.
- The above will do two things – it will replace your older Instagram id with the new style of id, and it will add the
option. You will see the modified shortcode on the next screen. You can use this shortcode.
Let me know if you face any issues. You can remove the debugging code that you added.
I will release a patch for this issue.
Hello and thank you for your quick response and your effort. We are getting to the bottom of it all. I have corrected a few examples of the two errors according to your instructions. This works so far, but unfortunately I can now only see one picture from the post and not all the pictures from a post as before (before you could click through the pictures in a post with such small arrows). Is that no longer possible?
Will your patch correct the IDs etc. itself after release, or do I still have to do it all by hand?
Best regards Leopold
Is that no longer possible?
Unfortunately as per the documentation that is correct.
Here is the challenge: as I mentioned in my previous post, Instagram recently disabled the oEmbed API. The ability to use the arrows to navigate was coming directly from Instagram (it was not something that Photonic was doing).
As an alternative, if you change your shortcode to this, you will at least be able to see all photos, and you will be able to click on one photo to open up a larger version of it in a lightbox:
[gallery type='instagram' carousel='17866753973054679' embed_type='embed']
Will your patch correct the IDs etc. itself after release, or do I still have to do it all by hand?
There are two parts to this:
- I can ignore the
and treat everything asembed_type='integrate'
– this can be done by code without you doing anything else. - I cannot change the old ids to the new ids since there is no way for me to do that via code. Basically there is no API that maps the old id to the new id. If I have the new id I can find the old one, but not vice versa. But that being said, you should have old IDs only for galleries created before April 2020. Every gallery created after that should have the new ids.
I will also see if I can automatically render carousels as a group of photos instead of a single photo without you changing anything.
Sorry for the trouble you are having – Instagram unnecessarily complicates things on the API, and they suddenly remove features and change how things work. That makes it difficult for developers to deploy changes.
I have released version 2.46. This should show all photos in a post for cases where you have multiple photos attached. I have also fixed the issue with respect to the
first of all I want to thank you for the great support and your great plugin. I use it with pleasure and think it is great.
I just downloaded your update. Now I can see the pictures again, but the posts (the reports, texts that are in the post) are no longer visible. Only for posts with a single image the post is still readable.
Is there any way I can make this work?
Best regards and thanks
I just downloaded your update. Now I can see the pictures again, but the posts (the reports, texts that are in the post) are no longer visible. Only for posts with a single image the post is still readable.
Is there any way I can make this work?
Where would you want to show them? The challenge is, when a gallery is being displayed, each photo gets its own caption. But for a post, there is no caption for each individual photo, that is why nothing is shown here.
I can look into making a change so that the text associated with the post is displayed above the gallery. Would that help?
Hello and thanks for your quick response. It would be great to have the text of the post above the pictures. Then the visitors of my website would first read the post and then be able to click through the pictures.
If you click on an image, it will open in a larger view. That is good. At the top there is a button with “View” which leads you to the respective post on Instagram. Could you set it up so that it opens the link in a new tab and not in the same tab? The concern I have is that people will stay on Instagram and not continue to visit my website.
Best regards and thanks a lot
If you click on an image, it will open in a larger view. That is good. At the top there is a button with “View” which leads you to the respective post on Instagram. Could you set it up so that it opens the link in a new tab and not in the same tab? The concern I have is that people will stay on Instagram and not continue to visit my website.
I think this is already available: Photonic → Settings → Generic Options → Generic Settings → External Link Handling.
Let me look into the other request and see what can be done.
I have uploaded version 2.47 – you should be able to go to Photonic → Settings → Instagram → Caption positioning for carousels / posts, to provide a default location to show the titles.
Hello, wow you are really fast. Now I have both pictures and the post back. Very cool!
Unfortunately I now notice that videos are no longer embedded. For example, at the post “Summer Camp 2019 – Wiesmoor – Wiesmoor” for example, the field where the video should be is empty. Did I set something wrong now?
Best regards
I don’t think this is related to what I have fixed now.I am currently busy with my day-job. Is it OK if I took a look at this on Friday? My day-job is not WordPress-related, so it becomes difficult to look at these if my workload is heavy.
- Change your
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