Since the wp update of lifter lms plugin 2 days ago I see sessions displayed as [accordion title=”…………..”]??.
is not a shortcode included in LifterLMS. Since the shortcode is displaying as text that means whatever was providing that shortcode no longer exists on your site and therefore it shows as text. It sounds like you may have in addition to upgrading LifterLMS possibly deleted a plugin or installed a new theme. Is that possible?
Also, when I want to edit a lesson there’s a block saying “No HTML was returned.”
I can delete it and edit the content but I guess it’s not a good message.
This is returned in the editor when an error generating a block is encountered. It should only happen if you’re attempting to put a block in a place where it doesn’t belong which isn’t usually possible unless you’re really tricky and place the HTML for a block out of place.
After deleting it does it return if you add that same block back in?
What block are you seeing this on?
What sort of post is this happening on? A course, lesson, etc…?
The deep theme I use is said to be compatible with lifter lms.
I’ve actually never heard of this theme before so I can vouch for it’s compatibility. However, if you think it’s a theme issue I’d recommend reaching out to the theme developers for some assistance.
Screenshots are always great and even better is a copy of your system report uploaded to a service like pastebin and then drop the link here.