Where is the documentation?
Here are all the shortcode attributes but I can’t figure it out…
'vanity' => $instance['vanity'],
'channel' => $instance['channel'],
'username' => $instance['username'],
'playlist' => $instance['playlist'],
'res' => '', // (deprecated, but leave for back compatibility) ex res
'use_res' => '', // (deprecated, but leave for back compatibility) ex use_res
'resource' => $instance['resource'], // ex use_res
'only_pl' => 0, // disabled by default (was: $instance['only_pl'],)
'cache' => $instance['cache'], // ex cache_time
'privacy' => $instance['privacy'], // ex showvidesc
'fetch' => $instance['fetch'], // ex maxrnd
'num' => $instance['num'], // ex vidqty
'random' => 0, // ex getrnd
'ratio' => $instance['ratio'],
'width' => $instance['width'],
'responsive' => ( ! empty( $instance['responsive'] ) ) ? $instance['responsive'] : '0',
'show' => $instance['display'], // (deprecated, but keep for back compatibility) ex to_show
'display' => $instance['display'],
'no_thumb_title' => 0,
'themelight' => $instance['themelight'],
'controls' => $instance['controls'],
'autoplay' => $instance['autoplay'],
'mute' => $instance['autoplay_mute'],
'norel' => $instance['norel'],
'playsinline' => $instance['playsinline'], // play video on mobile devices inline instead in native device player
'showtitle' => $instance['showtitle'], // none, above, below
'showdesc' => $instance['showdesc'], // ex showvidesc
'nobrand' => ( ! empty( $instance['modestbranding'] ) ) ? $instance['modestbranding'] : '0',
'desclen' => $instance['desclen'], // ex videsclen
'noinfo' => $instance['hideinfo'],
'noanno' => $instance['hideanno'],
'goto_txt' => $instance['goto_txt'],
'popup' => $instance['popup_goto'],
'link_to' => $instance['link_to'], // none, vanity, channel, legacy
'class' => ( ! empty( $instance['class'] ) ) ? $instance['class'] : '',