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  • I’m having a really hard time with this. I wish that there was documentation that is easier to understand ??

    Where is the documentation?

    Here are all the shortcode attributes but I can’t figure it out…

    						'vanity'         => $instance['vanity'],
    						'channel'        => $instance['channel'],
    						'username'       => $instance['username'],
    						'playlist'       => $instance['playlist'],
    						'res'            => '', // (deprecated, but leave for back compatibility) ex res
    						'use_res'        => '', // (deprecated, but leave for back compatibility) ex use_res
    						'resource'       => $instance['resource'], // ex use_res
    						'only_pl'        => 0, // disabled by default (was: $instance['only_pl'],)
    						'cache'          => $instance['cache'], // ex cache_time
    						'privacy'        => $instance['privacy'], // ex showvidesc
    						'fetch'          => $instance['fetch'], // ex maxrnd
    						'num'            => $instance['num'], // ex vidqty
    						'random'         => 0, // ex getrnd
    						'ratio'          => $instance['ratio'],
    						'width'          => $instance['width'],
    						'responsive'     => ( ! empty( $instance['responsive'] ) ) ? $instance['responsive'] : '0',
    						'show'           => $instance['display'], // (deprecated, but keep for back compatibility) ex to_show
    						'display'        => $instance['display'],
    						'no_thumb_title' => 0,
    						'themelight'     => $instance['themelight'],
    						'controls'       => $instance['controls'],
    						'autoplay'       => $instance['autoplay'],
    						'mute'           => $instance['autoplay_mute'],
    						'norel'          => $instance['norel'],
    						'playsinline'    => $instance['playsinline'], // play video on mobile devices inline instead in native device player
    						'showtitle'      => $instance['showtitle'], // none, above, below
    						'showdesc'       => $instance['showdesc'], // ex showvidesc
    						'nobrand'        => ( ! empty( $instance['modestbranding'] ) ) ? $instance['modestbranding'] : '0',
    						'desclen'        => $instance['desclen'], // ex videsclen
    						'noinfo'         => $instance['hideinfo'],
    						'noanno'         => $instance['hideanno'],
    						'goto_txt'       => $instance['goto_txt'],
    						'popup'          => $instance['popup_goto'],
    						'link_to'        => $instance['link_to'], // none, vanity, channel, legacy
    						'class'          => ( ! empty( $instance['class'] ) ) ? $instance['class'] : '',

    the documentation is mixed with the widget doc…

    Key: You must insert your own API key. The API key inserted is an example and if you do not change the API key for yours you may receive an error message of exceeded quota. This is necessary in version 3 of the YouTube API, Obtaining authorization credentials. Shortcode attribute: key; value: API key. (Required).
    Video feed type: option to select the feed type to use to show videos. You can select Uploaded by a user, User’s favorites, User’s likes or Playlist. Shortcode attribute: feed; value: user (default), favorites, likes or playlist. (Optional).
    Identify by: option to select the type you want id to use to identify your channel, your user name or id channel. Shortcode attribute: identify_by; value: username (default) or channelid. (Optional).
    YouTube user id or playlist id: the user id of the user’s Youtube videos you want to show or the id of the playlist. Shortcode attribute: user; value: String. (Required).

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