No Embedded Video
I have found that a recent update to 2.16.3 has resulted in not being able to see the embedded video on the sermon page. When I rolled back to 2.15.17 which I happened to have stored on my laptop, everything started to work again. I tried 2.16.2 without success, so I am leaving it at 2.15.17 for now since it works.
Something seems to have broken, but what I do not know. Our website uses The Church Version: pro 1.2 By Grace Themes, WordPress 5.5.1, and PHP 7.3.20.
I see other reports of broken sites with similar issues starting with the 2.16 update. Any suggestions would be helpful.
More information regarding this bug:
1) I see that the earliest report of this problem was with the update to version 2.15.18 back on August 7th 2020 ( and was reported.
2) After a change to new ownership announced back in June 2019 ( the old GitHub repository has not been updated from version 2.15.15 (some 8 version ago). Moreover, no new official repository for the free version plugin has been announced as far as I can tell outside of the trac WordPress logs: The GitHub changelog was last changed back with version 2.13 – ages ago.
Does this mean that the new owners have minimal interest in support for the free version over the pro version? I see virtually barely any responses at all to ticket requests on GitHub by the new owners.3) The old Sermon Plug page on Facebook ( has remained virtually untouched since the ownership change accept for the announcement a year ago and a note that they are moving to a new private Facebook page one must subscribe to: ( Moving things out of the public sphere to the private sphere is suggestive.
4) The WP free version page indicates that the plugin has only been tested up to WordPress version 5.4.2. The WordPress 5.5 update was released on August 11, 2020, ( perhaps when this bug appeared even though the Sermon Manager plugin was reportedly updated to version 2.16.0 to make it compatible with WordPress 5.5 (see the plugin changelog I am absolutely not sure therefore that the plugin is actually compatible with the WordPress 5.5 update, in a ‘tested’ sense.
I can tell you I’m not having any issues. Currently using WP 5.5.1, SM 2.16.3, and PHP 7.4.9.
Sounds like your theme is not compatible? Have you tried using one of the WordPress themes? If that doesn’t “fix” it, I would disable all plugins, except SM and see if that helps.
I do know there is a new owner and they are fixing bugs, though there presence here is minimal.
@mike Matenkosky – you report that you are having no problems with WP 5.5.1 and SM 2.16.3. Are you using embedded videos in your sermon pages? I have heard reports of people who are not experiencing problems with the updates, but I have not seen anyone that confirms they are using embedded videos which many have reported as problematic since WP 5.5 came out.
@everyone else, I do suggest registering with the new support channel in FB groups: which is where it seems there is more current support activity for both the free and pro versions of SM. It costs nothing to register and gives occasional access to what appears to be the new SM free repository dropbox system outside of the WordPress free SM plugin repository.
FYI the WordPress free SM plugin page does have a download button (i.e. which only gives you access to the current version – i.e. 2.16.3 or at the bottom of the page in archives – all versions up to 2.15.15 and earlier but none others since).
As for the new dropbox repository system, for example the plugin maintainers have posted, with public access to dropbox, the last version many have reported to still work with WordPress 5.5 that being the SM free version 2.15.17 ( and also, though reportedly problematic for others, the SM free version 2.16.1 (
Probably other versions are also available if one can find the correct link. In any case these versions may be useful for those who do not have access to the repositories for the paid version of SM Pro.
PS: For access to the knowledge database for the SM plugin created by WPfor Church, try the following pages:
– Getting Started with SM:
– Shortcodes for SM:
– Troubleshooting SM:
– in fact there are 12 articles altogether listed here: hope this helps some in basic troubleshooting, (i.e. short of digging down into the problematic code as a few other posters elsewhere have done with some but not complete success).
@michael3502 Yes, we embed videos almost weekly. We had issues with our video/camera this Sunday, but last Sunday was fine:
I use Embed Video in my sermons and it is working for me in latest free SM version, latest WordPress and latest Divi theme. When I had troubles with SM not working, Mike graciously helped me troubleshoot and was able to pinpoint a conflicting plugin, something about Link YouTube videos to post, forget exact name. After that was disabled and removed, all is working for me at this point. I don’t know if this helps you and I hope you can get your conflict solved as soon as possible. I know how frustrating not being able to regularly post sermons can be.
@hikinmike and @huntnyc — Thank you for your confirmation that you have working embedded videos with WP 5.5 and the latest Sermon Manager Version. That means there is hope that the issue is elsewhere, the question is now how to isolate the cause.
1) I tried your suggestion of disabling all the plugins except the SM plugin after updating it to 2.16.3, unfortunately this did not resolve the problem as it did for huntnyc.
2) Mike suggested that I might have an incompatible theme and to try a wordpress theme – the Church theme I use is available for free in the WP Theme repository which had its latest update in January 2020 so it is not very old. While it is possible it is a theme problem, I am not sure how to test that without possibly messing up my files.
Thank you for the input you gave me.
@michael3502 If you are using a free theme, I can download it to our test site. Do you have a link to the theme?
Also, can you post your site?
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by
Mike Matenkosky.
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