• Resolved eljuani


    Hola !
    Estoy testeando mercadopago con usuarios de prueba.
    Cuando pago utilizando tarjeta de crédito, el pedido se guarda como processing y se envían los emails.
    Cuando pago utilizando pagofácil o rapipago, el pedido se guarda como pending y no se envía ningún email, ni al comprador ni al administrador.
    Esto es el comportamiento normal ?
    Si es así, hay alguna forma de enviar emails de nuevo pedido para pedidos en estado pending ?
    Gracias !


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  • aligui


    Eso nada tiene que ver con el plugin, eso lo debes configurar en tu woocommerce.

    Saludos !!

    Thread Starter eljuani


    Si, creo que ya lo tengo configurado correctamente en el woocommerce.
    En settings – email tengo clickeado el enviar cuando hay una nueva orden
    Solo me ocurre pagando con rapipago y pagofácil con el plugin de mercadopago

    Plugin Author Claudio Sanches


    Your server is not receiving the payment notification, it means that something is blocking:

    1. iThemes Security plugin, check how to solve here: tureseller.com.ar/solucion-al-problema-de-recibir-notificaciones-de-compra-desde-mercadopago-en-woocommerce-para-wordpress/
    2. Mod_security, in this case you need to allow MercadoPago.
    3. CloudFlare, in this case you need to allow MercadoPago.

    This is a problem between your server and MercadoPago.

    Thread Starter eljuani


    Hi Claudio,
    It suddenly started working. I dont have Ithemes or Cloudfare. I have mod_security but I dont think that was the problem, since I didnt change anything about it.
    What I did is including the following code in functions.php, a solution that I found searching in google. Maybe you can include it as an option in the plugin.
    //////////////// NEW ORDER EMAIL NOT SENDING FIX
    add_action( ‘woocommerce_thankyou’, ‘order_email_workaround’ );

    function order_email_workaround ($order_id) {
    global $woocommerce;
    $mailer = $woocommerce->mailer();
    // Email customer with order-processing receipt
    $email = $mailer->emails[‘WC_Email_Customer_Processing_Order’];
    $email->trigger( $order_id );
    // Email admin with new order email
    $email = $mailer->emails[‘WC_Email_New_Order’];
    $email->trigger( $order_id );

    add_action( ‘woocommerce_payment_complete’, ‘order_complete_email_workaround’ );

    function order_complete_email_workaround ($order_id) {
    global $woocommerce;
    $mailer = $woocommerce->mailer();
    $email = $mailer->emails[‘WC_Email_Customer_Completed_order’];
    $email->trigger( $order_id );

    Plugin Author Claudio Sanches


    @eljuani Do you know the email should be sent when the order status is changed from pending to processing or on-hold, right?
    If your server is not receiving payment notifications, the status of orders will continue without being changed and no email are sent.
    So your code is not a fix, just something to cover an error on your site, since status are not changed and it is the big problem here.

    Thread Starter eljuani


    Ok, now I get it. Also, it’s not a complete fix, because every time I log again to my site, the new order emails are sent again.
    I guess the culprit is mod_security, what should I say to my hosting support ?

    Thread Starter eljuani


    also, If someone chooses to pay with rapipago or pagofácil, should the status change to processing once they go and pay or when they place the order ? I mean, when you pay with rapipago, you receive a number and then you go and pay in cash using that number… the new order email is sent when they go and pay in cash ?

    eljuani, I have the exactly same problem.

    Did you solve it? Is it Mod_security related?

    I don’t have iThemes plugin or CloudFlare.

    Thread Starter eljuani


    Hi Joaco, didnt solve it, as I understand it’s woocommerce normal behavior for pending orders :S

    ok, thanks anyway

    Plugin Author Claudio Sanches


    @joacovidal mod_security can block it.

    @eljuani need to check your access.log for the MercadoPago requests and see what is happening.

    Plugin Author Claudio Sanches


    I guess the culprit is mod_security, what should I say to my hosting support ?

    Yeo, good to contact your hosting support to check the access.log and mod_security.

    @claudio I’ve asked my hosting about mod_security and the say that it hasn’t triggered.

    Also I checked my access.log and didn’t found any registry from MercadoPago.

    Any thoughts?

    1) Wich url are you using to receive the IPN notifications? I was using the official MercadoPago plugin, is in the developers section of MercadoPago’s official web. In that version you go to settings and see the IPN URL, in this one i can’t find it. Anywhise, i couldn’t make notifications work in the official neither. So i’m confuded like you.
    2) Does this plugin handle the totals? I’m using “WooCommerce Deposits – Partial Payments Plugin” and seems not to be compatible. When i go to checkout, MercadoPago gets the total ammount instead of the deposit.

    Plugin Author Claudio Sanches


    Fixed in version 2.0.6.

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