Hi @jennys95 ,
I do not know Spanish language. It will be better if you write it in english. By the way, I have translated it with google translator and give the reply below. Please check it.
1) Para cambiar el color del botón se debe cambiar el borde del botón.
–Reply: Seems like you want to change the border color of the read more button. Please see the screenshot from https://prnt.sc/u3xmon and follow it to change the button border color. Choose the Solid option from the Border Type, and enter value for border width and border color option
2) Para cambiar el color de la flecha, se debe cambiar el color del borde de la flecha.
–Reply: Seems like you want to change border color of the next and previous arrow. Please see the screenshot from https://prnt.sc/u3xode to change border color for navigation arrow.
3) No hay opción para cambiar el radio del Borde del Botón Read More
–Reply: Please add the following CSS from “WP Admin > Post Carousel for Elementor > Custom CSS” to change Read More border CSS
.wb_ps_content .wb_ps_readmore_link{
border-radius: 10px;
4) No permite desinstalar desde el repositorio de plugin.
–Reply: This was happening for the latest version of WP5.5 Compatiblity. We have fixed this issue on the latest version of the plugin to make it compatible with WP5.5. Please Update to the latest version and try again. It will work now. Don’t forget to clear your browser cache and server cache if there is any caching plugin installed.
Seems like all options are available for which you give this plugin 1-star review. You should need to open a support topic before posting this review.
By the way, Please follow above steps and let me know if it helps you. I hope you will change your review to 5-star now. Your positive feedback will motivate us a lot to improve this plugin.
Thanks & Warm Regards