Hi Darcey1, fancy meeting you here. ??
Edin should be displaying the featured image on the blog page, as you can see here:
An example of a featured image is on the “We have moved” post. If you view source or use a browser inspector, you can see the reference to the post-thumbnail in the code, which is WordPress’s technical term for the featured image.
<a class="post-thumbnail" href="https://edindemo.wordpress.com/2014/07/30/we-have-moved/">
<img class="attachment-edin-featured-image size-edin-featured-image wp-post-image" width="648" height="486" alt="moved" src="https://edindemo.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/moved.jpg?w=648">
How large is your smallest featured image? Is it at least 648px wide?
Have you made any edits at all to the theme files?
Are you using a child theme or custom CSS plugin and have you made any edits there?
If uploading a larger featured image doesn’t do the trick, could you next try undoing any theme changes temporarily to see if that affects the featured image.
If that doesn’t work, the next troubleshooting step would be temporarily deactivating all your plugins. If the featured image shows up , reactivate your plugins one-by-one, look at the site in between each reactivation, to find the conflict.
Crazy question: is there a way to share the login info privately?
I don’t usually do that in the forums since these are a public support channel, so let’s see how far we get with the above troubleshooting steps. ??