• I have two problems. The category title is above the breadcrumbs and has no <title> or h1 tags with it. Its completely abandoned when looking at the code.

    I would really like that in the correct place and for seo have the correct html markup.

    Also sunmissions from the backend dont show up, only works from the front. but the number of listings does show.

    Please look at the page in my link. Thanks

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • You can override template files in your theme.
    the plugin should show both backend and frontend submissions, could you please tell how much submissions and categories do you have?
    I will test in clean commerce theme that you are using.

    Thread Starter petezeiry


    Thank you for the reply. I only have one test category.

    As for the title tag, I relize I can override, but that doesnt help me without knowing whats missing. Is the template category.php?

    This isn’t drawing from the wordpress defualt category, as i tested that and its fine.

    On your category.php, were is the entry title h1 coming from, I dont see any markup.

    Here is your category.php header with no title tag


    <div class=” bootstrap-wrapper ac”>
    * ldd_before_main_content hook.
    * @hooked ldd_output_content_wrapper – 10 (outputs opening divs for the content)
    do_action( ‘ldd_before_main_content’ );
    $version = 2;

    <?php echo ldl_get_header(); ?>
    <?php if(ldl()->get_option( ‘view_controls’ )==”yes”){
    if($listing_view = ldl()->get_option( ‘directory_view_type’) ==”compact”){
    $compact = “compact”;
    if($listing_view = ldl()->get_option( ‘directory_view_type’) ==”grid”){
    $grid = “grid”;
    if($listing_view = ldl()->get_option( ‘home_page_listing’) ==”category”){
    $category = “category”;
    if($listing_view = ldl()->get_option( ‘home_page_listing’) ==”listing”){
    $listing = “listing”;

    <div class=”row view_controls”>
    <div class=”col-md-4″> </div>

    <div class=”col-md-4″> </div>

    Here is your page template which clearly shows the entry title html

    global $geo;
    // ldl_use_google_maps() will always return false if this isn’t an array containing our lat and lng
    $geo = ldl_get_meta(‘geo’);
    <div class=” bootstrap-wrapper”>
    * ldd_before_main_content hook.
    * @hooked ldd_output_content_wrapper – 10 (outputs opening divs for the content)
    do_action( ‘ldd_before_main_content’ );
    <header class=”entry-header”>
    <!– <h1 class=”entry-title”><?php the_title(); ?>2</h1>–>
    </header><!– .entry-header –>

    <?php ldl_get_header(); ?>

    1. “>Home
    2. <?php echo get_the_term_list(get_the_id(),LDDLITE_TAX_CAT,””,”, “); ?>
    3. <li class=”active”><?php the_title(); ?>

    Thread Starter petezeiry


    I just looked at the site “buildacampervan” mentioned in your plugins > ldd directory > screenshots. It has the same problem.

    If you look at one of there category pages

    Youll notice the template calls the site title above the breadcrumbs and incorrectly words it as “directory” which is wrapped in a h1 tag.

    there category name is “Accessories, Parts & Appliances” this is what should be wrapped in the title tag with H1 tags, not the word “directory. You should really fix this as its absolutly horrible for seo and that site is probably being penalized.

    Current Version on above category link:
    <title><h1> Directory (incorrectly placed above breadcrumbs, a big no no, and same h1 (directory) on every category, probably shows as soft 404s because of it)
    <h2>Accessories, Parts & Appliances</>

    Correct way to do this would be:
    <H1>Accessories, Parts & Appliances<
    <p> or h2 or h3 >directory</p> or nothing as this can also just be put in the breadcrumb

    Thread Starter petezeiry


    I hope you can answer this, as it is a major flaw, or at least tell me what files, including the css files, handle this area. Thanks

    Thanks for looking deeper into our plugin, the file to display categories is category.php inside templates folder. out plugin does not add title to category page by default. you can override it in your theme, you can add single_cat_title(); before ldl_get_header(); in category.php file.

    Thread Starter petezeiry


    Thank you for your response. The cat title is now displaying before header.

    Do you know how I can remove the second category title that shows above the bread crumbs? As shown on this category page: https://runbidsell.com/auction-listings/test-category-name/

    And, also, how I can get category description to show?


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