• Resolved vmastah


    i work an internship at a company in the netherlands at the moment. They asked me to make a landingpage for articles they wanted to write, i almost finished setting it up but the pictures do not seem to be loading in. I don’t know if or how to even set an image for a post so maybe thats where i should start. I have added pictures IN my post but that didnt seem to be doing anything. I have tried putting the following codes in my custom CSS:

    .single-post .nv-thumb-wrap img{ display: block !important; }


    img { display: revert !important; }

    anybody have any idea what im doing wrong? or how to set an image for a post in the first place?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • The Elementor plugin has a dedicated support forum here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/elementor/

    But the issues you’re facing are very foundational and have nothing to do with the Elementor plugin per se.

    As far as your CSS goes:

    1) The CSS classes you’re targeting single-post and nv-thumb-wrap don’t appear anywhere in the HTML code of the URL you provided, so this selector won’t do anything on the page.

    2) If you’re a learner, avoid the !important flag as much as possible — as it can come back to bite you in more ways than you can ever imagine. Using !important without caution is like killing a wasp with a shotgun: it’s very powerful and can help you fix problems very quickly, but it can also cause unintended effects that can be hard to troubleshoot if you don’t really know your CSS very well.

    I don’t know what you’re studying and what your internship is about, but for the task at hand, you could probably do with some foundational knowledge of HTML, CSS and WordPress.

    anybody have any idea what im doing wrong? or how to set an image for a post in the first place?

    As far as I can tell, the URL you gave is a WordPress PAGE, and not a POST.

    On this PAGE (named “Landingspagina artikelen”), you’ve inserted two POSTs namely, “TEST!” and “Test!2”. The images are inserted on these indidividual POSTs, rather than on the PAGE. So you only see the images when you click the links to the respective POSTs.

    A landing page (for marketing purposes) is usually self-contained. You should insert all the landing page’s content — including the images — on the page itself, rather than creating external posts (or pages) and linking to these. Of course, if you’ve specifically been asked to insert POSTs in your landing page, then that’s a different story.

    Follow this guide to insert an IMAGE directly into your Elementor landing page: https://elementor.com/help/add-graphic-element/

    Aside: You should probably discuss with your supervisor to set up a “safe” place for you to learn and practice, instead of learning on their live site. At the barest minimum, creating these “test” posts on the live site as you’re doing now could mess up their SEO. But it can be worse.

    Good luck!

    Thread Starter vmastah


    @gappiah hi George, thanks for your response. My internship is mainly marketing focused in a small company, so this is just a small side project that they want done from me. I think the problem is that in my posts i do not have a picture. My problem is that i do not see a single place where these images can be inserted to be able to display on my “landingspagina artikelen” page, in dutch this means articles landing page, landing page is a placeholder name right now and is not really a landing page, thanks for your concern though. The posts i have made contain images but they dont show on the “landingspagina”. I’ve since deleted the code from my custom CSS so that won come back to bite me later.

    Thread Starter vmastah


    @gappiah never mind, i just found it. Thinking about how much of an idiot i am right now. thanks for your help though

    OK, I took a look at your landing page… and it seems what you wanted to do was to display the post thumbnails (aka featured image) of the individual POSTs embedded on the landing page… rather than inserting images in the landing page itself.

    I’m glad you got it sorted.

    If you have a second to spare, please mark your issue as RESOLVED.

    Thank you.

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