• Resolved RPittam


    There are no images currently in the galleries, but I have a placeholder here for when there is. How can i modifiy this message to something like “No messages currently found in the moth Galleries”?

    I found a php file bearing the almost same name as the message but changing it’s content didn’t effectany change on the page.



    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Jaime Segura


    Hi @rpittam ,

    I am glad to help,

    There is not an option to change that message out of the box, also modifying the plugin files is not a long-term solution as upon update, you will lose your changes.

    I would recommend to maybe use a plugin like WPCode to insert a js snippet that changes the rendered message to something else, given the tags for the message is quite generic something like this might or might not work:

    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
        // Find the <p> element containing the text "no images were found"
        var noImagesText = document.querySelector("p:contains('no images were found')");
        // If the element is found, change its text content
        if (noImagesText) {
            noImagesText.textContent = "Images are coming, hang in there";

    Or you can use Loco Translate and add the string “no images were found” to the source of the language you are using, and then translate it into anything you need.

    I hope this helps, please keep me posted


    • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 4 days ago by Jaime Segura. Reason: Missed the WPCode link
    Plugin Support Jaime Segura


    Hi @rpittam ,

    We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so I’m going to go ahead and close this thread for now. But if you’d like us to assist further, please feel welcome to continue the conversation (please just see my post above).


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