• Hi,

    We’re happy with the plugin for a long time, but now we have a small problem:

    On this page:


    We’re using these shortcodes on the page:

    [events_show type=”today”]
    [events_show type=”archive”]

    And the top one [events_show] shows all the events on a single line with no line breaks.
    The [events_show type=”today”] and [events_show type=”archive”] look nice: each event on a next line.

    Any suggestions on how to solve this?

    Thanks in advance!

    BTW: Updated the plugin to the latest version a moment ago.


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  • Thread Starter martijnbaltes


    We still haven’t found the solution and it still doesn’t look very nice.
    Any ideas?
    Could you please help us with this?

    I am also seeing this issue. Events are wrapped in html [code] tags, which makes them look horrible.`

    hey all,

    im using following hack via template settings:

    header: <h2>%category%</h2><table>
    body: <tr><td><strong>%startdate%</strong></td><td><strong>%starttime%</strong></td><td>%title%</td><td>%location%</td></tr>
    footer: </table>

    So in the end it will be rendered as table, hope that helps solving your problems. Here is an example of the resulting layout: https://www.posaunenchor-gimmeldingen.de/?page_id=5

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