• Hi I have putting in widgets all day and all of a sudden none of my links are working on the side bar. I cant get into my admin or anything. Had problems with the guest book crashing internet explorer so I deactivated it, that was after I discovered the linking problem..

    Help please


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  • that mini meta is a widget and I did upload it or it would not have shown on the admin widget page. It would have to be uploaded to show up

    Not the widget, the css file for the widget. I notice if I take out anything that has a class=”something to do with a widget” the links work so I’m wondering if they aren’t working because of the missing stylesheet.

    Did you upload it? Because it’s accessible now.

    okay that is what I did today, I backed up all but that mini meta and one other but will try that again.. I just saw that mini meta one and it was placed in the right folder..

    Well it’s something to do with widgets because as I said, when you remove the code for the widgets the links work.

    when you remove the code <— meaning the divs with widget classes and such.

    sorry your about a post in front of me. the file for the mini meta was unzipped as I was told to do then the whole thing upload in its original folder to the sight and placed in the plugin folder. are you saying that the style sheet is missing from the file? I will go delete that right away..

    No it’s there now. It wasn’t when I checked the first time.

    okay I have this crashing down to a science now. lol

    I can get on the site. I go to the second catagory and am fine. I then click on the third catagory and crash. could it not be the catagories themselves. the links??

    did you want me to remove some code? I don’t know where just guide me and tell me what sheet and what code.

    I can’t click on ANY link on the sidebar (category or not) in FF and in IE it says it can’t open the site.

    yes I know all I did was take out widgets as I was told

    its funny their not working for my partner but they working for me in a refreshed browser window

    I was able to load your site, but the sidebar links are still not clickable for me either. I do see something critical in your sidebar.php code that needs to be removed:


    Unfortunately, widgets, plugins, and addon bits of code can mess up your site and conflict with each other (it’s happened to me too) and thus should be added cautiously one at a time. To help determine the culprit, try these basic troubleshooting steps:

    Disable all plugins. Does the problem go away? If so, the problem is a plugin. Re-enable plugins one by one and check each time to see if the problem returns to identify the problem plugin.

    Switch to the default theme. Does the problem go away? If so, the problem is with your theme or with the addon code you’ve added to it.

    hi once again I didnt change any code but if you tell what to do I will do that.

    I am uninstalling them all as I write this and then going to troubleshoot from there. for loosing the clickable links I havent got a clue this is a new thing that just happened an hour ago.. it was like that early this morning but started functioning again.. weird huh

    changed themes please go check now.


    As you can see, the links work now so that means there’s a problem with the code in your theme. You still however need to fix this code:

    <script type='text/javascript' src='/wp-content/jwplayer//swfobject.js'></script>
      <div id='preview'>This div will be replaced</div>
    	<script type='text/javascript'>
    	var s1 = new SWFObject('/wp-content/jwpplayer/player.swf','ply','150','20','9','#ffffff');

    It should be:

    <script type='text/javascript' src='/wp-content/jwplayer//swfobject.js'></script>
      <div id='preview'>This div will be replaced</div>
    	<script type='text/javascript'>
    	var s1 = new SWFObject('/wp-content/jwpplayer/player.swf','ply','150','20','9','#ffffff');

    ok will do. Thanks very much…

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