• Resolved techHT


    I swear I saw a similar post but can’t find it so sorry for repost…

    I installed wp3 (godaddy) & activated (w/sub-folders) via plugin ‘Enable Multi-Site’

    Site is https://www.humantrinity.com/

    I can login at main page so I added a theme & did some layout – seems all ok

    Then I added first subsite – https://www.humantrinity.com/mainblog/
    I cannot login @ …mainblog/wp-login.php
    and when going directly to the page the correct path (as above) displays but the page looks like default content w/no theme

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  • Check that your .htaccess rules were successfully written after the network install, as it kinda looks like they’re not there.

    On the network admin page should be the rules you need to put in your .htaccess file.

    Thread Starter techHT


    Thanks Ineedle!!

    You comment pointed my attention to the plugin site.
    Here’s what I found there and it took care of the trouble:

    Sub-account (directory, not domain), the page is bare, and the wp-admin is page not found.

    Some users are reporting that the .htaccess file is not being created successfully.
    Here are the steps on how to manually fix this until the pluginis updated:

    1. Edit the wp-config.php by adding “define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true);” Without the quotes.
    2. Go to the super admin panel and look for the menu “Network” under the “Tools” section.
    3. Here it will give you the desired htaccess files information.
    4. Download your current .htaccess file with your favorite ftp client and paste the new content into it.
    5. Upload the newly edited .htaccess file.

    And those are the exact instructions on enabling the network without the plugin.


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