• Resolved kaffouinne


    I am suddenly not able to add new images to my existing galleries. The option is simply no longer visible on the gallery page. The + sign is available on the English translation of the gallery page, but when I upload a new image, as soon as I update the page, the newly added image disappears.

    I have tried emptying the HTML and CSS caches as well as miniatures cache, but to no avail. I have also updated all other plugins in case that was the issue.

    What could be causing this sudden issue?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @kaffouinne

    Could you kindly take a couple of screenshots of the areas with the issue and share them with us? Thanks in advance.

    Lastly, while on the FooGallery Edit gallery page of that particular gallery, kindly open the DevTools console and observe if there are any Javascript errors. If there are, take a screenshot of that too and share a link to the screenshot(s) with us.

    Thanks in advance for sharing the screenshots with us. Hoping to hear from you soon.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter kaffouinne


    I am not sure if this is the right way to include a screenshot but I do not see an alternative of how to add the images directly.

    Screenshot: Screenshot 2021-01-26 at 00.44.49.png
    Screenshot of how it is supposed to look: blob:chrome-untrusted://media-app/990744a0-2c5c-4c7e-bc4f-793185e13238

    I am not sure hoe to check the DevTools console…

    Hi @kaffouinne

    To share screenshots with us in this forum, upload them to an online server and share the link with us here.

    Alternatively, you can use one of the many free web apps and extensions such as Lightshot Screenshot (https://app.prntscr.com/en/index.html) used for taking screenshots and sharing them. You can then send us the link.

    Thanks in advance for sharing the screenshots with us.

    Kindly follow this simple guide to learn how to check the DevTools console for errors: https://support.awesome-table.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003787169-Using-the-Debug-Console-in-Google-Chrome-to-identify-errors

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter kaffouinne


    Alright here are the screenshots:

    In the first one you see the little box with the + where we can add images. In the second one, it is no longer there. This is true for all my existing galeries.

    Below is a screenshot of the error code in the console section, because there were indeed errors! :


    I hope this helps!

    Plugin Author bradvin


    Thanks for the screenshots. It definitely looks like a javascript error is causing the problem, but it is hard to tell from the last screenshot.

    In your first message, you mentioned that is showing in the english version, so does it work correctly sometimes and not other times?

    It could be a conflict with the WPML plugin

    Thread Starter kaffouinne


    It only seems to be working with new galleries, I cannot update existing galleries. In the English version, the option to add images is there, unlike the French version, however, when I add images, they disappear as soon as I update the gallery.

    How could I fix the javascript error or see of it is a WPML plugin error?

    Hi @kaffouinne

    To find out if the error is being caused by the WPML plugin, kindly disable the plugin then reload your page and try to add the new images to your existing galleries.

    If you can do so after disabling the WPML plugin and there are no Javascript errors in the console, then the issue is being caused by the WPML plugin.

    Kindly try this and let us know how it goes.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter kaffouinne


    There are several WPML Plugins on my site:

    WPML CMS Nav

    WPML Media

    WPML Multilingual CMS

    WPML Sticky Links

    WPML String Translation

    WPML Translation Management

    Which one should I try deactivating?

    Hi @kaffouinne

    You can deactivate all of those plugins, and then reactivate them one-by-one and after activating one, refresh the page and then try to see if you’ll be able to update the existing galleries until you encounter the problem.

    If you encounter a problem after activating one of those plugins, then that one will be the one causing the issue.

    Lastly, deactivating plugins, especially as many as those ones you’ve listed, can impact your site, causing disruptions for your users. So you don’t want to do this on a live site. Instead, we recommend using the Health Check plugin by The www.ads-software.com Community. This plugin can help you debug your site and determine which plugin is causing the error. Plus it can do this without interrupting your live site, allowing visitors to continue using your site as they normally would.

    Here’s a guide from us on how to use the plugin on your site: https://fooplugins.com/documentation/general/general-troubleshooting/health-check-debug/

    Kindly try this and let us know how it goes.

    Kind regards,

    Hi @kaffouinne

    We haven’t heard from you in a while, so we presume the problem has been resolved and we’re closing this support ticket.

    If you are still experiencing the problem, then please open a new support ticket.


    I have some images that won’t add to a gallery. I can add some of my older images, but anything new that I upload to my media library won’t add. I click the plus, select the image, but when I click add media, nothing appears in the gallery. I’ve tried uploading the file multiple times. I launched dev tools and found an error.

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 409 (Conflict)

    load-scripts.php?c=0&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,moxiejs,plupload&ver=5.6.2:5 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.3.2

    Plugin Author bradvin



    Adding images to the gallery is done with some javascript code, and it seems like your install has some javascript errors when loading certain scripts. I would suggest to turn on DEBUG to try to figure out which script is causing the problem : https://www.ads-software.com/support/article/debugging-in-wordpress/#wp_debug

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