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  • For what it’s worth, I’m having the same problem on a fresh 1.5.1 install. I have another blog I upgraded from 1.5 to 1.5.1 yesterday, and it can ping the update services fine.

    If I manually enter my info at the pingomatic website, everything works. Maybe there’s something wonky going for some sites in the new extended ping format that got added in 1.5.1?

    It does seem to be a problem with the new extended ping. In function weblog_ping in functions.php, there’s this code:

    if ( !$client->query('weblogUpdates.extendedPing', get_settings('blogname'), $home, get_bloginfo('rss2_url') ) ) // then try a normal ping
    $client->query('', get_settings('blogname'), $home);

    I got rid of the if line so that it always just does a normal ping, and now it’s successfully pinging. It sounds like pingomatic is the only site that supports extended ping, which would be why listing other update services in its place worked.

    Moderator James Huff


    Herschel, where you the “annonymousbugger” with a similar tip in the bug report? In the bug report, you/he/her recommended leaving only:
    $client->query('', get_settings('blogname'), $home);
    rather than deleting the whole thing.

    I follow those steps and left that line and it works perfectly. Should I remove that line as well? Also, can you think of anything that would be negatively impacted by removing those lines?

    Thanks for your help.

    Yeah, I was the anonymous poster in the bug tracker. In my other post here I was trying to say to leave the second line, just getting rid of the first “if” line, but since the formatting got lost in the post, it wasn’t apparent that there were two different lines in my code.

    So, yeah, leave that line that you left in there. If you get rid of that one it’ll stop trying to ping update services altogether.

    This isn’t a real fix, though. I don’t know nearly enough about WP and pings to do a real fix. This is just a temporary workaround for the bug.

    There shouldn’t be any negative effects from this workaround as far as I can tell. All it does is make it so WP never tries to use the “extended ping” functionality that was added in 1.5.1.

    Moderator James Huff


    Thanks, Herschel! This has been an exciting 36 hours.

    Hmm, I noticed that the bug is now marked fixed, but there’s no patch posted and no link to another bug that might have fixed it. Anyone know what the real fix is?

    Moderator James Huff


    I just noticed that too. It was fixed by Matt, and since he’s in charge of ping-o-matic, I’d venture to say that me fixed something on that end. I’ll check it out.

    Moderator James Huff


    The issue was resolved on ping-o-matic’s end. You may return to using your normal (un-edited) functions.php file.

    Moderator James Huff


    Hi, I’m new to this pinging thingy. How do I know if my blog’s pingping function is function properly?

    I notice that after I update a post, my blog name appears on pingomatic’s page. Does that mean that it’s working? so Pingomatic will automatically help me to ping all the other services? I don’t see any engines crawling my blog even after a few days… any idea?

    I have a blog setup just for testing pings / tracks and you can post as often as you want /need:

    Pingomatic does indeed ping many other services – “One ping to rule them all” type stuff ??

    And the crawling ? The more links you leave around the place, the better chance you’ll get seen and crawled.

    wow, thanks for the prompt response!

    so just to confirm, as long as I see my blog’s address on the “Last 100 Pingers” Page, it means that the pinging service of my WP 1.5.1 is working and pingomatic will help me ping all other services right?

    Though given that POM handles a huge amount of traffic you could miss your site passing through it’s list. If you can ping anywhere else, then POM will be good too.

    cool~! that means my pinging is working for 1.5.1.

    So all I have to do to let search engine know of my blog’s presence is to ping pingomatic and wait for them to crawl my blog?

    Yes, but visiting other sites and commenting will help too – getting your site visible is what is needed.

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