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  • Napalm44


    I’m seeing a similiar thing.

    I may be imagining it, but didn’t there used to be a section in the block lists that banned email providers you didn’t want people registering from?

    Maybe I’m thinking of a different plugin – but I’ve been through every setting for every plugin and I cant find it, and the only one thats updated lately is this one.

    The deny list takes emails or ips. They are no longer separate.

    You can mix up ip addresses and email addresses – one to a line.

    wild cards * and ? are supported now the way you would expect.


    Thread Starter Kory M.


    Hello, Keith. Thanks for your reply but my issue is not resolved (not sure why it’s marked as so). I even tried to reactivate the plugin and immediately after doing so, I received two spam registrations. I immediately disabled registrations again.

    Would you suggest I revert back to a previous version?




    Just re-activated and updated this plug-in (since captcha wasn’t keeping spammers out). I added .pl and .ru to the block list. Neither is being blocked. :-/

    Under “Blocked TLDs”, I have

    I think I have it. I put it out on BlogsEye for download and if it doesn’t crash overnight, I’ll publish to WP in the morning.



    Looking forward to a fix too. Older version stopped. .bg, .ru, .mail this version, no matter where I put them or whatever format, spammers keep coming.



    Not working. Getting lots of spam registrations and postings.



    Thank you @kpgraham. Hope all went well with it last night.

    Fixed another bug this morning. It took a while, there was some weird stuff in the cloudflare module. I copied it from the cloudflare plugin and made a mistake that screwed up the ip address. I did not find that until this morning.

    It has been working for a couple of hours, stopping lots of spam. I will be able to release it in an hour or so.




    Keith, I need help setting up Cloudflare with the plugin. I’m willing to pay. Would you be willing to help? I have 2 sites on Cloudflare. Thanks!



    Another problem: I was posting a comment and clicked submit.
    Nonce Check Failed – Killing Request

    I couldn’t post.
    I disabled your plugin and could post. Is it a setting I need to change?

    The plugin does not do anything with the comments nonce. The message must be from Akismet.

    I can help with the couldflare install, although I would not feel right about taking money for it.

    Contact me offline at [email protected].

    There is a new version of the plugin today. It has been stopping spam on my site since yesterday morning. I fixed another cloudflare issue, so I hope it has improved things.




    Installed the update. The plugin still lets me register names with .pl email addresses despite having .pl in blocked TLDs. No change on my end.

    I just ran a test on different websites and the tld option works.

    It’s one tld per line in the tld box.

    The only way they are getting through is if they are white listed before the test is run.

    To test it yourself, you have to uncheck the box to automatially add your ip to the allow list. Then you have to remove your ip from the allow list, then clear the cache. Check again to make sure you are not in the cache and not in the allow list.

    Log off and try leaving a comment with the .pl email address and see if you are blocked.

    If you are not blocked and your ip is not in the cache and your ip is not in the allow list, there must be something else.

    Make sure the cache is cleared. A small cache is best. (one or two entries is plenty. A spammer can pass using good credentials and then he is in the cache and can hit you over and over. That’s why the small cache is better than a big one.


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