I wrote a fix, so that the srcset functionality is available.
In wp-display-header.php add this line in the method init()
$this->hook( 'theme_mod_header_image_data' );
and add this method:
public function theme_mod_header_image_data($header_image_data)
if (is_category() OR is_tag() OR is_tax())
$active_header = $this->get_active_tax_header();
else if (is_author())
$active_header = $this->get_active_author_header();
else if (is_singular())
$active_header = $this->get_active_post_header();
if (isset($active_header) AND $active_header)
$_uploaded_header_images = get_uploaded_header_images();
foreach ($_uploaded_header_images as $id => $data)
if ($data['url'] == $active_header)
$header_image_data = $data;
return $header_image_data;
This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by