@Ginobugman, there is always a cache somewhere. But if you are not seeing what @viruz82 is seeing then that is not your problem.
@viruz82 there is a cache almost always unless you are self hosting. At least clear your client cache. I use a combination of W3 Total Cache for JS and BWP Minify for CSS as well as Mod Pagespeed so had to clear all three PLUS the client cache to get rid of the issue. As for the ‘Cooked Plugin’ I do not use it.
Now if you use custom post types, you need to add them into Yoast SEO in order for any of the SEO bits to work. If those custom post types are not in the ‘official’ list as returned by the WordPress plugin get_post_types() and a part of the then meta desc may never show up.
Are you using custom post types?
Best regards,
Edward L. Haletky