for anyone looking to fix this before an update arrives:
plugin root/includes/class-frontend.php:283
inside function “apply_tips” at this “if” condition:
if ( strpos( $value, '%' ) !== false ) {
update the code as follows:
$cart_subtotal_value = WC()->cart->get_subtotal();
$tax_totals = WC()->cart->get_tax_totals();
$total_tax_amount = 0.0;
foreach ( $tax_totals as $tax ) {
$total_tax_amount += $tax->amount;
$amount_incl_tax = $cart_subtotal_value + $total_tax_amount;
$amount = ( (float) $value / 100 ) * $amount_incl_tax;
I was not able to find in documentation how to hook and overwrite this calculation, so keep in mind that this is a in-plugin update, this means that upon next update it?will be deleted (and might need re-applied) ti’ll authors will add this feature!