No other booking plugin does this for free
After playing around for about a month with Booking Activities and many other reservation plugins, this one really meets my needs, and is a game-changer in so many ways:
- You can create as many activities as you want and easily drag-n-drop them on the calendar.
- You can set recurrence with lots of options, such as weekly repetition selecting the desired days of the week.
- After setting the repetition, you can unbind single activities and change its parameters (availability, duration…) without affecting other activities of the same kind.
- The plugin doesn’t create annoying “events” post types, and the database is not stuffed with unnecesary post types that, in most cases, you don’t really need. If you know what I mean, one of the most popular events plugin out there creates one post per recurrence and your “events” post types suddenly creates tons of posts.
- The plugin is integrated for free with Woocommerce, but events can be booked without it, too. Most reservation plugins out there which are integrated with Woocommerce don’t do this for free.
- Speaking of Woocommerce, the “My Account” bookings tab is beautiful and practical.
- You can book groups of events, too.
- The calendar view is beautiful, and the mobile view (especially the month view) is really neat and clean.
- Notifications are HTML-customizable, with lots of activity-specific tags.
- It handles Woocommerce integration in a clever way. For example: if you book an event and buy a product in the same order, the order appears as “Pending”, and when you see the order list, you know that this specific order has a product there, too. On the other hand, if you book just an event, your order will be marked as “Completed”. In both cases, admin and customer get Woocommerce and Booking Activities notifications (provided you enable them).
- The support is amazing. Few plugins authors take the time to embed explanatory images in this forum. Check it out for yourself (Thanks, Yoan!). Booking Activities is also on GitHub, which guarantees quality testers and bug finders, probably better than most of us on WordPress.
“I could do this all day”. Of course, there’s an initially steepy learning curve, but I couldn’t be more satisfied with all what offers for free. I only wish Booking Activities was WPML-compatible (I’m not the only one requesting this; surely Yoan has already included it on the routemap. ??????). But, so far, Booking Activities is one of the most generous reservation plugins. I repeat, everything you get for free really rocks. I only wish I was richer to get all amazing addons. I can’t imagine how powerful Booking Activities could be with them installed.
Big thank you, Yoan. Keep up with the good job, and thank you for your generosity.
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